COMMUNICATION AND PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT WHY SHOULD YOU GET INVOLVED ? It will indicate to your child that you care about his or her education that in itself can make your child appreciate the importance of education and help them to understand that what they are doing has a purpose . It will provide a support network when your child is faced with academic hurdles or any other challenges. Communicating with us as educators is important , it gives us educators a guideline as how to assist your child needs.
COMMUNICATION AND PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT WAYS OF COMMUNICATING: Use the Child as a Communication Tool -Children are known for having a good memory! Have you ever made a promise to a child? If so, chances are they frequently reminded you of the promise you made. When there is an important event in your centre or if the children need to return something to school, simply ask the teacher to discuss it with the children at group time. The children will be sure to remind their parents over and over again! Give the correct contact details , if educators need to get a message to a parent and find that sending a note does not work, we will give the parent a call. Communication book parents and teachers use a communication book to share information about a child on a daily basis. The information in this type of communication book is written and isn't always meant to be shared with the child. Google classroom is an easy and quick way to keep parents and students up to date on what is happening in the classroom. Find homework, missed work, projects etc. (check with the educator )