How do allusions enhance meaning? Allusions in poetry How do allusions enhance meaning?
Allusion: Definition: a reference to something else (like name-dropping). Allusions can be direct or indirect. Historical allusions Biblical allusions Greek allusions Literary allusions Pop culture allusions Shakespearean allusions
“Summer Girl” Scavenger Hunt As the song plays, highlight all the allusions (name-dropping) that you recognize.
“We didn’t start the Fire” by Billie Joel Read the lyrics as the song plays. Highlight/Color code the allusions as follows: Historical– GREEN Politicians, Countries, events, science, medicine Pop culture allusions – BLUE Athletes, movie stars, singers, songs, movies Literary allusions – YELLOW Authors, titles, Unknown/ Miscelaneous - PINK After, think about the chorus of the song. How do all of these events enhance the meaning of the chorus?
“Nothing Gold Can Stay” by Robert Frost Now let’s practice on a poem. Read the poem as the clip plays (this should take you back to middle school ): Annotate all the poetic devices you can identify Highlight the direct allusion in “Nothing Gold Can Stay” and identify what KIND of allusion it is After, write an analysis of why this allusion enhances the meaning of the poem.