STIL P1450.4: A Standard for Test Flow Specification Jim O’Reilly, Ajay Khoche, Ernst Wahl, Bruce Parnas IEEE P1450.4 Working Group Paul Reuter, Mentor Graphics The slide guide is available in the following file: slidesV14.0.ppt: PowerPoint, version 2003 format. Note: We have saved this presentation in the older 2003 format, because both PowerPoint 2003 and 2007 can read it. For this year’s test conference we will use PowerPoint 2007 in our projection computers. 2010 International Test Conference
Outline Motivation Scope, Key attributes STIL TestFlow Components Extensions to Existing STIL constructs Standard definitions Advanced features Current Status, Future Work This is an outline for the major areas of your presentation -- what you’re going to talk about. You should not include the title, introduction or conclusion in your outline. Just highlight the major areas of your talk.
Motivation Allow generation of complete test program in STIL Facilitate reuse of test program components Provide common base for process automation (one dialect) Extend STIL use into emerging application areas adaptive test enabling mechanisms for testcell control This is an outline for the major areas of your presentation -- what you’re going to talk about. You should not include the title, introduction or conclusion in your outline. Just highlight the major areas of your talk.
Scope, Key Attributes, and Limitations Scope: To provide Common description language for test flow components of a test program. Common interface between flow, test program components Flow variables – definition and use Binning Mechanisms for component reuse This is an outline for the major areas of your presentation -- what you’re going to talk about. You should not include the title, introduction or conclusion in your outline. Just highlight the major areas of your talk.
Scope, Key Attributes, and Limitations Alignment with Existing STIL standards Object Oriented Approach Extensibility Coverage for existing ATE environments Standard Test Method Interface Ease of use. Support for emerging test techniques. This is an outline for the major areas of your presentation -- what you’re going to talk about. You should not include the title, introduction or conclusion in your outline. Just highlight the major areas of your talk.
Scope, Key attributes, and Limitations Limitations (exclusions) Definition of Test Methods Multi-site Handling Full tester runtime support This is an outline for the major areas of your presentation -- what you’re going to talk about. You should not include the title, introduction or conclusion in your outline. Just highlight the major areas of your talk.
Simple Test Program Component Diagram STIL TestFlow Test Program Prober/Handler Interfaces Test Flow Tests This is an outline for the major areas of your presentation -- what you’re going to talk about. You should not include the title, introduction or conclusion in your outline. Just highlight the major areas of your talk. Processing Code Existing STIL standards Patterns Timing, DC Setup
STIL TestFlow Components TestProgram EntryPoints TestBase TestType and FlowType Tests and Flows Bin Definitions and Bin Maps Extensions to Existing STIL Constructs This is an outline for the major areas of your presentation -- what you’re going to talk about. You should not include the title, introduction or conclusion in your outline. Just highlight the major areas of your talk.
STIL TestFlow components, relationships Test Program SignalGroup Variables ChannelMap BinMap EntryPoints SoftBinDefs HardBinDefs Test OR Flow Test Base TestType FlowType OR FlowNode (Sub)Flow Test FunctionDefs func_1 Existing STIL Constructs 1450.0 1450.3 1450.6 1450.1 1450.2 This is an outline for the major areas of your presentation -- what you’re going to talk about. You should not include the title, introduction or conclusion in your outline. Just highlight the major areas of your talk. TestFlow components contain references to existing STIL constructs TestType, FlowTypes are type definitions. They MUST be instantiated as Tests or Flows in order to be used.
STIL TestFlow Components TestProgram and Entry Points Top-level construct – one per STIL file. Contains the following: ChannelMap Variables BinMap SignalGroups (optional) EntryPoints Specifies Test or Flow to execute in response to externally-triggered events. Standard does not specify HOW these events are triggered. Available events: Load, Start, Reset, WaferStart/End, LotStart/End, User-defined. This is an outline for the major areas of your presentation -- what you’re going to talk about. You should not include the title, introduction or conclusion in your outline. Just highlight the major areas of your talk.
TestBase, TestType, and FlowType Structure Entry Definition Parameters Definition Variables Definition PreActions Test Execution PostActions Arbiter FailActions PassActions Execution This is an outline for the major areas of your presentation -- what you’re going to talk about. You should not include the title, introduction or conclusion in your outline. Just highlight the major areas of your talk. Exit
STIL TestFlow Components: TestBase Definition of all common elements of Tests or Flows. Standard provides a minimum default definition. Can be extended, but MUST include the default definition. If no explicit definition provided, the default is implicitly used. Parameters use keyword/value pairs. Paper shows detail of default definition This is an outline for the major areas of your presentation -- what you’re going to talk about. You should not include the title, introduction or conclusion in your outline. Just highlight the major areas of your talk.
STIL TestFlow Components: Types TestType, FlowType Type definitions – must be instantiated into Tests/Flows in order to be used Based on TestBase, or previously-defined Test/FlowType (inheritance) Key mechanism for enabling user-defined tests/flows, and allowing component re-use TestType/FlowType parameters have default values – can be overridden upon instantiation. Standard provides default definitions for FlowType, some TestTypes. This is an outline for the major areas of your presentation -- what you’re going to talk about. You should not include the title, introduction or conclusion in your outline. Just highlight the major areas of your talk.
Test, Function, or subflow execution Test/FlowType Bypass paths PostActions PreActions Arbiter PassActions FailActions Test, Function, or subflow execution Entry Exit Test/Flow Type Test Base Test result chooses pass or fail actions Actions: Operations on flow variables; Binning; Flow control.
STIL TestFlow Components: Flows, Tests Named object. Instantiated from predefined FlowType or TestType Executed from an EntryPoint or FlowNode Differences: Test Can execute Test (itself), FlowNode sequence, or TestMethod call (FunctionDefs) Flow Can only execute FlowNodes (but those can execute tests or complete flows) This is an outline for the major areas of your presentation -- what you’re going to talk about. You should not include the title, introduction or conclusion in your outline. Just highlight the major areas of your talk.
STIL TestFlow Components: Flows B Entry A Test_1 Exit Flow_1 Test_3 Test_4 Test_2 D STIL Flow: directed graph of FlowNodes This is an outline for the major areas of your presentation -- what you’re going to talk about. You should not include the title, introduction or conclusion in your outline. Just highlight the major areas of your talk. Flow nodes A and D point to the same test. Changing Test_1 affects execution at both flow nodes. Flow nodes B, C, E, and F each point to separate tests (or flows). Changing the test called by node B will NOT affect execution at flow nodes C, E, or F
FlowNode FlowNode Entry Differences between FlowNode and Test/Flow: Bypass paths PostActions ExitPort portlabel1 Port Actions ExitPort portlabel2 Port Actions ExitPort portlabelN Port Actions ExitPorts PreActions Arbiter Test or flow execution Entry FlowNode Differences between FlowNode and Test/Flow: Test/Flow has only one exit path FlowNode can branch (more than one exit path) Arbiter is sequence of logical expressions.
STIL TestFlow Components: Binning Bin Definitions and Bin Maps SoftBin and HardBin definitions Only SoftBins are assignable (Actions blocks) BinMap maps SoftBins to HardBins SoftBins Group (Pass/Fail) Axis Bins HardBins (single axis only) This is an outline for the major areas of your presentation -- what you’re going to talk about. You should not include the title, introduction or conclusion in your outline. Just highlight the major areas of your talk.
STIL TestFlow Components: Binning Bin Attributes Color, number, descriptive strings Enable flag (useful with multi-axis bin definitions) Retest flag (hard bins only) This is an outline for the major areas of your presentation -- what you’re going to talk about. You should not include the title, introduction or conclusion in your outline. Just highlight the major areas of your talk.
STIL TestFlow Components: Binning Multi-Axis and Single-Axis SoftBins (syntax) SoftBinDefs multi_axis_softbindefs { Pass { BinAxis ClockSpeed { Bin "3GHz"; Bin "2.9GHz"; Bin "2.6GHz" { Enable False; } } BinAxis CacheSize { Bin "8Mb"; Bin "4Mb"; Multi-Axis Pass bins Single-Axis Fail bins This is an outline for the major areas of your presentation -- what you’re going to talk about. You should not include the title, introduction or conclusion in your outline. Just highlight the major areas of your talk. Fail { Bin ContactOpens { Verbose "Opens"; } Bin ContactShorts { Verbose "Shorts"; } Bin Functional { Verbose “Functional"; } Bin Timing { Verbose "Tight Timing"; } }
STIL TestFlow Components: Binning Multi-Axis SoftBins (and BinMap) Single-Axis SoftBins (and BinMap) 4Mb CacheSize 2 8Mb 1 3.00 GHz 2.93 GHz 4 3 2.66 GHz ClockSpeed Hard bins (by number) This is an outline for the major areas of your presentation -- what you’re going to talk about. You should not include the title, introduction or conclusion in your outline. Just highlight the major areas of your talk. 5 Shorts 6 Functional 7 Timing Unnamed Axis Opens
Extensions to Existing STIL Constructs Signals, Signal Groups – additional attributes Open, Analog Effect: Pattern-related setup data is ignored. Variables - expanded list of variable types Most STIL block types - Parameters, Variables. Exclusions: MacroDefs, Procedures, ScanStructures Separate namespaces for 1450.1, 1450.4 1450.4 allows access any 1450.1 variable (by name) Additional Attributes ReInitializeAt: Load, Reset, Start, LotStart, WaferStart, User-defined (externally-triggered events). Optional Parameters with value None are ignored Units (Specify expected units for Compound variables) This is an outline for the major areas of your presentation -- what you’re going to talk about. You should not include the title, introduction or conclusion in your outline. Just highlight the major areas of your talk.
Extensions to Existing STIL Constructs Variables Local variables for TestType, FlowType blocks Not visible outside block TestProgram variables Visible to all levels of hierarchy (named global blocks) Arrays of Variables Any legal STIL variable type. Single-dimension arrays only. Uninitialized, initialized (one value for all elements, individual values per element) <var_name>.Size operator Enumerated types This is an outline for the major areas of your presentation -- what you’re going to talk about. You should not include the title, introduction or conclusion in your outline. Just highlight the major areas of your talk.
Extensions to Existing STIL Constructs Spec block Spec block name now has meaning <spec>.<cat>.<var>.(Min | Typ | Max | Meas) .Meas field: read/write. All others: read-only once defined (useful in Test/Flow Actions blocks) Indexing operators .Size, .Name, Categories[I], Variables[J] Expanded spec variable types (any legal STIL data type) in addition to time_expr, dc_expr PatternExec Can include Spec block name This is an outline for the major areas of your presentation -- what you’re going to talk about. You should not include the title, introduction or conclusion in your outline. Just highlight the major areas of your talk.
Standard and default Definitions TestBase Defined by standard – can be superceded by ATE vendor or user. See paper for details Standard Functional Test Two types Single Parameter – PatternExec Multiple Parameters – elements of PatternExec Standard FlowType Should be suitable for most uses Additional types can be defined as needed. This is an outline for the major areas of your presentation -- what you’re going to talk about. You should not include the title, introduction or conclusion in your outline. Just highlight the major areas of your talk.
Standard and default Definitions Default FlowNode Allows simpler syntax for flows if using default Execution is IDENTICAL // Example which specifies the FlowNodes explicitly. Flow mainFlow_w_explicit_flownodes { FlowNode node1 { TestExec testFunctional; ExitPorts { Port FAIL CurrentExec.failed !=0 { failed = CurrentExec.failed; SetBinStop CurrentExec.FailBin } Port PASS True { Next; } Default FlowNode structure This is an outline for the major areas of your presentation -- what you’re going to talk about. You should not include the title, introduction or conclusion in your outline. Just highlight the major areas of your talk. // Example which relies on the default FlowNode. Flow mainFlow_w_default_flownode { TestExec testFunctional; }
Advanced Features Inheritance Derive new TestTypes or FlowTypes from existing types All must eventually trace back to TestBase Single Inheritance only. Parameters are cumulative Derived types contain all Parameters of base types Variables Base type variables not accessible. Actions If specified, REPLACE base type actions Each Action block handled individually PreActions, PostActions, Pass Actions, FailActions This is an outline for the major areas of your presentation -- what you’re going to talk about. You should not include the title, introduction or conclusion in your outline. Just highlight the major areas of your talk.
Advanced Features Dynamic Flow Execution and Reordering Bypass Specification of next FlowNode (ExitPort Actions) By sequence order (default) Next; By explicit FlowNode name Next <flow_node_name>; By name, from variable (scalar or array element) Next FlowSequence[ i ]; This is an outline for the major areas of your presentation -- what you’re going to talk about. You should not include the title, introduction or conclusion in your outline. Just highlight the major areas of your talk.
Current Status, Future Work Draft standard for ballot being prepared Expect to have draft complete, ready for ballot, by 12/2010 Will be forming balloting group soon. Anyone interested is welcome to participate Working group or ballot group Contact P1450.4 WG Chair Jim O’Reilly, See website P1450.4: Extensions to STIL for Test Flow Specification This is an outline for the major areas of your presentation -- what you’re going to talk about. You should not include the title, introduction or conclusion in your outline. Just highlight the major areas of your talk.