The Force VHF/UHF/FM Antenna Broadband Technology Better Signal Fidelity Easy to Install All Channels Broadband Gain Plate 75 Ohms Low Signal Losses Very Light-Weight Small & Robust Broadband Dipole Simple, Cost Effective. Excellent Results
Digital Force Antenna offers >7.5dB gain for TV FM bands The Force Antenna The World’s Most Compact Antenna with this Bandwidth and Performance. Ideal for digital television reception. Combine two Force Antennas for 14dB.
Ideal for Digital Television Digital TV sends 3 program signals down each analog channel. Quality Digital TV needs good gain and large bandwidth. A poor signal is unwatchable. The Force VHF/UHF ultra wideband antenna is ideal for digital and analog TV reception.
Versatile Force Antenna Compact for use: Indoors. Outdoors. In the attic. With a motorhome. Easy to install Robust and extremely light-weight. Can be configured for horizontal, vertical, circular and dual signal polarisation.
Anatomy of Yagi TV Reception Big, Ugly and they Break
What’s wrong with a Yagi Antenna? Narrow Band Technology Introduced Signal Losses What’s wrong with a Yagi Antenna? Directors Baluns Dipoles Frequency Specific Fragile Multiplexer Complicated, Expensive with Poor Results
BANDWIDTH & GAIN FOR ALL TV & FM RADIO CHANNELS Yagi antennas are frequency specific. Digital Force TV VHF/UHF FM Antenna More gain equals less bandwidth. Many Yagi antennas are needed to cover the TV and FM bands. Typical Yagi High Gain Yagi
Force VHF/UHF Antenna – Commercial Advantages Simplicity Performance Profitability
Simplicity One model for all areas. Attractive new-concept design. TV antennas are no longer a complicated specialist item requiring multiple models, varied stock and specialist staff. One model for all areas. Attractive new-concept design. Compact display packaging. Easy DIY Install Guide. One model to stock and sell.
Outstanding Performance The only antenna that offers consistent high gain over all TV broadcast bands. Combine two Force Antennas for 14dB gain. Suitable for all TV broadcast areas. Ideal for digital and analog TV. Compact, robust construction. Competitive pricing. Australasian made.
Profitability Compact storage and display. Reduced inventory. Stock one antenna! Lower inventory costs, no dead stock. Less specialist staff knowledge required. May be sold as a commodity into new markets. Patent Protected Technology Breakthrough
Contact AerialScience FORCE ANTENNA DIGITAL ADVANCED RECEPTION TECHNOLOGY Contact AerialScience ALL CHANNELS HDTV DIGITAL VHF, UHF, FM TV ANTENNA For further information contact: Web: Email: