Implementation of a Risk Management System by Cameroon Customs Prepared by: Gasper KONNEH NEBA Inspector of Customs 10 July 2012
Outline Background Implementation issues Benefits Some challenges Some lessons learned
Background: motivation for the reform As part of a general Customs reform program; Pressure from the trade and international partners; Government policy to improve on the business environment in the country; Time release studies and other studies; The deployment of a new Customs management system - ASYCUDA++.
Implementation issues Institutional arrangements: creation of a Risk Management Unit; Legal framework: reform of Customs procedures; Logistical, technical and financial issues; Partnership with other stakeholders: FAL Committee and Customs/Enterprise Forum; Phased out implementation process: selectivity, performance monitoring, other modules.
Some benefits Benefits for the government: Benefits to the trade: Increase in revenue; Improvement of governance in the Customs environment; Performance monitoring; Benefits to the trade: Reduction of clearance time and costs; The rationalization of Customs controls; Predictability in the nature and level of controls; The existence of objective indicators to assess the compliance level of traders.
Some challenges Resistance to change and lack of cooperation from other agencies and stakeholders; Coping with the informal sector; Lack of adequate funding; Availability of Customs and computing expertise.
Some lessons learned 100% controls are not necessarily more efficient than selective controls; The need for high level support for the project; The need for dedicated staff and appropriation of the project by the staff; Support from partners (traders, other stakeholders, and international institutions (World Bank, WCO, etc.) Gradual implementation: the different modules were rolled out gradually and continue to be developed.
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