“If you love, you will serve “If you love, you will serve. As you serve others, you will restore them. Once restored, you will bear their burdens.”
Galatians 6:1-5 Borrowing one of ours? pg. 1168 Espanol pg. 1524
I. Why do we need to bear one another’s burdens? We all have burdens. Burden = heavy weight
I. Why do we need to bear one another’s burdens? a. We all have burdens. b. We all sin. (Romans 3:23)
“Until a person admits his sin, he cannot be helped out of it “Until a person admits his sin, he cannot be helped out of it. Once he has done that, he must be encouraged to confess his sin before God and turn away from it in repentance, sincerely seeking God’s forgiveness.” - MacArthur
I. Why do we need to bear one another’s burdens? a. We all have burdens. b. We all sin. (Romans 3:23) c. We all need each other.
II. What does it mean to bear another’s burden? a. Restore – reset or repair b. Observe – continual, diligent attentiveness c. Endure – persevere while looking for and creating opportunities to serve d. Be Honest – share struggles
Time + Effort = Developed Relationships
III. Are we willing to bear another’s burdens? a. We must get to know each other well enough to know when one is struggling. III. Are we willing to bear another’s burdens? b. We must get to know each other well enough to care when one is struggling.
IV. How can we bear one another’s burdens? a. We must be willing to help. IV. How can we bear one another’s burdens? b. Others have to allow us to help.
IV. How can we bear one another’s burdens? c. Kinds of Burdens IV. How can we bear one another’s burdens? i. Spiritual ii. Physical iii. Emotional iv. Financial
IV. How can we bear one another’s burdens? d. Make the most of our opportunity. IV. How can we bear one another’s burdens? Jolly Winders 1921 - 1991