Should Animals Have Rights?
Controversies Experiments on animals Rearing and killing animals for food Rearing and killing animals for fur/leather goods Hunting Entertainment Zoos Pet-keeping
Major Questions Why do animals deserve protection? Do animals have rights? If they do have rights, why do they have rights? If they do have rights, what does this mean for humanity? Which animals have rights? What's the difference between 'animal rights' and 'animal welfare'? If animals don't have rights, do they deserve protection anyway? How should we balance the interests of humans and animals?
A Moral Hierarchy Organisms can be arranged in a moral hierarchy in which the lowest group deserves no moral consideration at all, and the top group deserves more moral consideration than the second group. Sentient organisms (ability to think, feel and have emotions) that are aware of their own existence and would prefer to continue to exist Sentient organisms that are not self-aware and don't have any idea of continuing to exist in the future Inanimate objects and insentient organisms What’s the problem with this hierarchy? Sometimes humans can belong to all of these catagories
Animals Have Equal Rights Animals should be treated in the way that is best for the animals concerned - which may not be the way that suits human beings It is wrong for human beings to use animals for food, clothing, experiments or anything else It is wrong for humans to disregard the consequences to animals of their actions This applies to all animals, regardless of the way human beings feel about them It may sometimes be morally correct to violate an animal's rights when these conflict with the rights of another animal or a human being - each case must be decided on its merits
Common Belief Under some circumstances it is acceptable to exploit or use animals, as long as they are treated humanely Animals do not have rights in the same way that humans have rights Some animals have fewer rights than others Simpler animals have fewer rights than more complex animals Animals with less apparent consciousness have fewer rights Animals with less social behaviour have fewer rights Animals that appear to feel pain and fear less, have fewer rights Animals that do harm have fewer rights (even though they are not morally responsible for the harm they do). Can you think of examples for some of the above?
Common Belief Endangered species have more right not to be killed than members of other species Human beings should aim to treat animals in the way that is best for the animals concerned, where this does not conflict with what is best for human beings. Where there is such a conflict it is acceptable to violate the animal's rights - providing: The position of the animals has been properly considered There is a significant benefit to human beings There is no way of achieving this benefit that causes less harm to animals A real effort has been made to find a way that is less harmful to animals The animals concerned are treated humanely Animals may therefore be used for food, clothing, experiments and other purposes under appropriate circumstances
Do cute animals have more rights than ugly ones?
Speciesism 'Speciesism' is the idea that being human is a good enough reason for humans to have greater moral rights than animals A child and a dog are trapped in a fire. You can only save one of them. Which will you save? Most people don't have to think about this for even one second. Most people don't consider the relative moral status of the dog and the child relevant to their choice. Society would condemn anyone who delayed in order to consider the correct moral choice.
Anti-Speciesism Speciesism is often condemned as the same as racism or sexism People who oppose speciesism say that giving human beings greater rights than animals is as wrong as giving white people greater rights than non-white people
Christian Opinion The Bible shows that God made his covenant (a promise) with animals as well as humans Humans and animals have the same origin in God In God's ideal world human beings live in harmony with animals The Garden of Eden, in which human beings lived in peace and harmony with animals, demonstrates God's ideal world, and the state of affairs that human beings should work towards The prophet Isaiah describes the Kingdom of Heaven as a place where animals and human beings live together in peace God has the right to have everything he created treated respectfully - wronging animals is wronging God God is not indifferent to anything in his creation
Christian Opinion The example of a loving creator God should lead human beings to act lovingly towards animals Inflicting pain on any living creature is incompatible with living in a Christ-like way Animals are weak compared to us - Christ tells us to be kind to them Jesus told human beings to be kind to the weak and helpless In comparison to human beings, animals are often weak and helpless Christians should therefore show compassion to animals To love those who cannot love you in the same way is a unique way of acting with generous love. Human beings should care for animals, because they are part of God's creation
Christian Opinion Humans have control over all animals. (Gen 1 v 28 - 30) Experiments done for medical reasons are justifiable but not for cosmetic reasons. All animals should be treated humanely and with great respect. Catholic opinion urges people not to give too much importance to animals when there are many people in the world who are suffering. What does it say in Genesis about man’s dominion over animals?
Homework Explain what Christians believe about the relationship between humans and animals (6) “Animals and humans should have equal rights” Discuss this statement. (12)