Genomes with Fe-S cluster assembly-related genes. Genomes with Fe-S cluster assembly-related genes. (A) Four parts of the proteomic tree with genomes carrying Fe-S cluster assembly genes (i.e., ATC [■] and IscU [▲] genes). Branch lengths are logarithmically scaled as described for Fig. 3A. Genus-level gOTUs and genome identifiers (IDs), lengths, and percent G+C compositions are indicated. (B) Maximum likelihood tree of IscU genes. The tree contains protein sequences encoded in OBV_N00005 (red), five TOV-EVGs (orange), and 21 Proteobacteria and cyanobacterial genomes (black). The scale bar refers to the estimated number of amino acid substitutions per site. Numbers close to the nodes represent bootstrap percentages of >50%. The tree is rooted by the cyanobacterial Nostoc species sequence. (C) Genome map of OBV_N00085 and Pelagibacter phage HTVC008M. The HTVC008M sequence is circularly permuted at 97,000 bp and reversed. A red arrow indicates the original start position of the HTVC008M sequence. Putative gene functions of OBV_N00005 and HTVC008M (described in reference 10) are indicated. All tBLASTx alignments are represented by colored lines between the two genomes. The color scale represents tBLASTx percent identity. FAD, flavin adenine dinucleotide; NAD, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide. Yosuke Nishimura et al. mSphere 2017; doi:10.1128/mSphere.00359-16