Wednesday, January 11th 2017 Learning Goal: I will examine strategies for time management and analyze how I can avoid issues in the future. Minds On: 5 minute rant because I know it's coming....GO! Ok, now that that is over, lets look at bandages and remedies! Good spirits only! This is your success we are talking about and we only have 2 1/2 weeks to do it!
Action Time Management...Nathan and Mitch, you were the only ones to hand Miss Mason in your completed task on Monday. You get perfect! Thank you for doing what was the basic expectation of the course! Is life really only about participation ribbons? Is there no other incentive to accomplishing something to the best of your abilities? Nothing in this course is beyond what you are capable of, otherwise, you would not be in this class!
Action What has actually been cut from this semester due to your mismanagement of time. (yep, two whole units and a good chunk of the ISU...I don't know why you think you can complain about not having enough time when every other 4C class manages in much less time!) The effects and affects of blaming others…
Action Behaviour and respect – If you don’t try, why should I? (Oh right, it’s my job and I’m not here to police you or babysit you so you need to come to class prepared to work! This, sadly, is a basic requirement) The effects of self sabotage… yep, you are only hurting yourself! I’m sorry you don’t like the task/assignment/lesson but the government says I have to teach it to you so unless you are motivated enough to write to the government, do the work!
Action What still needs to be accomplished this semester. - Hand in what is owed! No complaints about not doing school work on the break because you have had a crazy amount of class time! Your problem that you didn’t use your class time wisely! - ATTWN Mystery Mania (normally you would have also had a test!) - Research Report is due Friday. I can meet with whomever at lunch or on my prep. - ISU paragraphs that were supposed to have been done. - Culminating
Action How will we get this done? - Today and tomorrow are work periods! You will also get a mark for use of class time! I will do my best to get you a computer but it may not be possible. Therefor, handwriting is an option for your mystery mania and isu paragraphs.
Action Culminating schedule…
Consolidation I actually missed you guys! I hope you had a great Holiday!