Like a Boss: Shaping Student Employability through Co-Curricular Learning and Involvement Tuesday, March 12, 2019 | – 12:20 PM – 1:10 PM 306 AB – LA Convention Center Kalyn Cavazos, Senior Student Conduct Investigator, Texas A&M University
Learning Outcomes Recognize state initiatives centered on enhancing marketable skills within students Consider ways to apply sustainable reflection into one-on-one and organization advising Explore the definition of employability and what employers are looking for in college graduate hires
Small Group Discussion What is employability to you? How do you incorporate employability into programming? How do we assist students in linking their co-curricular experiences to personal skill development?
Employability Employability is defined as “a set of achievements – skills, understandings, and personal attributes – that make graduates more likely to gain employment and be successful in their chosen occupations” (Yorke, 2004, p. 7).
State Initiatives Centered on Marketable Skills (Employability)
Does a ‘skills gap’ really exist? “Despite the employer-based assessments, there is no credible supporting evidence of a national skills gap that would warrant a comprehensive national response; however, skills shortage issues exists that may be best met with a response that involves higher education institutions” (Koc, 2018).
Interactive Discussion Between Attendees How do we develop these specific skills in our students that employers are seeking? Interactive Discussion Between Attendees
Developing PPTs
Other Reflective Tools to Use When Advising Students
Recommended Reading
Email Kalyn Cavazos at Questions? Email Kalyn Cavazos at
References Connelly, F.M. & Clandinin, D.J. (1985). Personal practical knowledge and the modes of knowing: Relevance for teaching and learning. In E. Eisner (Eds). Learning and teaching the ways of knowing. (pp. 174-198). Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Hutson, B.L., Bloom, J.L., & He, Y. (2009). Reflection in advising. NACADA Academic Advising Today. Retrieved from Articles/Reflection-in-Advising.aspx Koc, E. (2018). Is there really a skills gap? NACE Journal, February 2018. Retrieved from predictions/is-there-really-a-skills-gap/ Yorke, M. (2004). Employability in Higher Education: What it is, What it is not. New York, NY: Learning and Teaching Support Network.
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