2. Out-manoeuvred (Matthew 22v15-22) The Genius of Jesus 2. Out-manoeuvred (Matthew 22v15-22) The enemy of my enemy is my friend v15-16 Who were the Herodians? Jews who submitted to the rule of the Romans Pharisees & many Jews disagreed Deut 17v15 Pharisee & Herodian were united in bringing down Jesus v16 Hatred throws principles & God’s Word out the window Jesus is hated for telling the truth To love is to tell the truth Jn 15v13, Prov 27v6
2. Out-manoeuvred (Matthew 22v15-22) The Genius of Jesus 2. Out-manoeuvred (Matthew 22v15-22) The trick question v17 Dilemma: Either answer will trap Jesus & ruin Him A cunning plan Begins with flattery v16, Ps 55v21, Prov 5v1-4 Jesus sees through it v18
2. Out-manoeuvred (Matthew 22v15-22) The Genius of Jesus 2. Out-manoeuvred (Matthew 22v15-22) The genius of Jesus ‘Show Me the coin’ v19 They give Him a denarius & condemn themselves A leading question v20 The coin they possess & use belongs to Caesar Their answer: ‘Caesar’s’ v21 Jesus’ killer blow v21 The result: Amazement & off they go v22 You can’t pull the wool over the All-Seeing Eyes