Geothermal energy Destin sanchez
WHAT IS GEOTHERMAL ENERGY Geothermal energy is thermal energy generated and stored in the Earth. Thermal energy is the energy that determines the temperature of matter. The geothermal energy of the Earth's crust originates from the original formation of the planet and from radioactive decay of materials. geothermal energy can be on a massive scale producing energy for communities or just a singular house using a dialed down version.
How does it work Geothermal energy escapes as hot water at many hot springs or as steam at geysers. ... Some geothermal power plants use the steam from a reservoir to power a turbine / generator, while others use the hot water to boil a working fluid that vaporizes and then turns a turbine.
How is it better for the environment ? Geothermal energy works the same way as burning fossil fuels but without the emissions. In the process of it steam turns a turbine or generator to produce electricity but instead of using fossil fuels to heat up the water the geothermal uses the heat of the earth and the water already stored underground the heat it without the air pollution
WIND POWER Nathaly Galicia
Wind Energy Wind Energy is the use of air through turbines to produce mechanical power to turn electric generators on. Wind Turbines are alternatives to burning fossil fuels and produces no greenhouse gases. Wind is renewable and also uses very little land and ZERO water, which makes wind turbines more dependable and better for our environment. Modern wind turbines are used to capture kinetic energy from the wind and generate electricity.
GRAPHS Global Usage of Wind Power US Usage of Wind Power
Hydro power – hydroelectric power; electricity generated from moving water
Benefits: It is renewable It does not pollute/release greenhouse gases Nothing is burned when electricity is generated Disadvantages: It can drastically change ecosystems Can reduce populations of fish Can prevent important nutrients and sediments from getting downstream It is the best choice in places where there are several rivers and money to pay for the hydropower