Steps in the Criminal Justice Processes
Steps in the Criminal Justice Process (Adult) Arrest Booking – official record of the arrest Initial Appearance – magistrate provides the following: explanation of the charge, bail, attorney (if indigent – means poor). Preliminary Hearing – a magistrate determines if probable cause is present Grand Jury (Indictment) – 16 to 23 citizens – determines if there is enough evidence to charge the suspect. Arraignment – (Superior Court) – charges are read and a plea is entered Plea Bargain - plead to a lesser charge. Trial – jury selection, opening statements, presentation of the case, closing statements, deliberation and verdict. Sentencing Appeal
Steps in the Juvenile Justice Process Arrest (parents are notified) Get released or be detained (detained means to keep under arrest – can be put in a Youth detention Center) If detained: Probable Cause Hearing – within 2 days. A judge decides between release or further detainment. Petition is filed – this outlines the charges Adjudicatory Hearing – A judge decides if the charges are true. If the charges are found to be true: Dispositional Hearing – A judge decides course of treatment, type of supervision, or rehabilitation. Could also be probation. If the charges are severe, the case will be transferred to a superior court where the child will be tried as an adult.