x as in ticks (cks) (graph) y (e) prefix in, im
Word Lists R 1 2 3 4 5 6 ticks socks rocks kicks licks jukebox trucks axe ducks yell clocks yard yawn relax chatterbox climax prefix index sticks knocks blocks snacks tricks bricks chickenpox wrecks yacht yeast lawyer kayak loyal royal youthful barracks PREFIX – in/im inactive image indent induct inform inbuilt incorrect imagine imaginable immature impolite impulse imprint improve inflame ingrown inappropriate incapacity inacceptable informal imitate immaterial immoveable immeasurable immediately immense inconsumable incorrupt indifferent incomplete
x (cks) ticks rocks socks kicks licks
Handwriting 26/8/15 ck ck ck ck licks kicks socks 1. I have pink ____. 2. Dad ____ a football. 3. Mum ____ the ice-cream.
a mark to show work is correct ticks say spell TICKS a mark to show work is correct t-i-ck-s = 4 ticks = 1 sounds syllables
socks s-o-ck-s = 4 SOCKS socks = 1 say spell clothing for the foot sounds syllables
rocks r-o-ck-s = 4 ROCKS rocks = 1 say spell big stones sounds syllables
kicks k-i-ck-s = 4 KICKS kicks = 1 say spell to hit with the foot sounds syllables
to pass the tongue over something licks say spell LICKS to pass the tongue over something l-i-ck-s = 4 licks = 1 sounds syllables
x (cks) big stones a mark to show work is correct to hit with the foot clothing for the foot to pass the tongue over something