Database Systems - Introduction to Databases and Data Warehouses CHAPTER 5 - SQL
INTRODUCTION SQL - Structured Query Language SQL is used for: Creating databases Adding, modifying and deleting database structures Inserting, deleting, and modifying records in databases Querying databases (data retrieval) SQL functions as a standard relational database language It can be used (with minor dialectical variations) with the majority of relational DBMS software tools Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 2
INTRODUCTION SQL commands – categories: Data Definition Language (DDL) Data Manipulation Language (DML) Data Control Language (DCL) Transaction Control Language (TCL) Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 3 3
INTRODUCTION Data Definition Language (DDL) Used to create and modify the structure of the database Example commands: CREATE ALTER DROP Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 4 4
INTRODUCTION Data Manipulation Language (DML) Used to insert, modify, delete and retrieve data Example commands: INSERT INTO UPDATE DELETE SELECT Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 5
INTRODUCTION Data Control Language (DCL) Used for data access control Transaction Control Language (TCL) Used for managing database transactions Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 6 6
INTRODUCTION SQL data types Each column of each SQL created relation has a specified data type Commonly used SQL data types: Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 7 7
INTRODUCTION Brief SQL syntax notes Semicolon “;” following the end of an SQL statement, indicates the end of the SQL command In a list of multiple SQL statements the semicolon indicates where each SQL statement ends SQL keywords, as well as the table and column names used in the SQL commands, are not case sensitive E.g. SELECT is the same as select or SeLeCt An SQL statement can be written as one long sentence in one line of text However, for legibility reasons SQL statements are usually broken down into multiple lines of text Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 8 8
CREATE TABLE CREATE TABLE Used for creating and connecting relational tables DCL and TCL statements are covered in Chapter 10. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 9 9
ER diagram : ZAGI Retail Company Sales Department Database Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 10 10
Relational schema: ZAGI Retail Company Sales Department Database Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 11 11
CREATE TABLE statements for ZAGI Retail Company Sales Department Database CREATE TABLE vendor ( vendorid CHAR(2) NOT NULL, vendorname VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (vendorid) ); CREATE TABLE category ( categoryid CHAR(2) NOT NULL, categoryname VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (categoryid) ); CREATE TABLE product ( productid CHAR(3) NOT NULL, productname VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL, productprice NUMERIC(7,2) NOT NULL, vendorid CHAR(2) NOT NULL, categoryid CHAR(2) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (productid), FOREIGN KEY (vendorid) REFERENCES vendor(vendorid), FOREIGN KEY (categoryid) REFERENCES category(categoryid) ); CREATE TABLE region ( regionid CHAR(1) NOT NULL, regionname VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (regionid) ); This example is discussed on Page 70. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 12 12
CREATE TABLE statements for ZAGI Retail Company Sales Department Database CREATE TABLE store ( storeid VARCHAR(3) NOT NULL, storezip CHAR(5) NOT NULL, regionid CHAR(1) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (storeid), FOREIGN KEY (regionid) REFERENCES region(regionid) ); CREATE TABLE customer ( customerid CHAR(7) NOT NULL, customername VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, customerzip CHAR(5) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (customerid) ); CREATE TABLE salestransaction ( tid VARCHAR(8) NOT NULL, customerid CHAR(7) NOT NULL, storeid VARCHAR(3) NOT NULL, tdate DATE NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (tid), FOREIGN KEY (customerid) REFERENCES customer(customerid), FOREIGN KEY (storeid) REFERENCES store(storeid) ); CREATE TABLE soldvia ( productid CHAR(3) NOT NULL, tid VARCHAR(8) NOT NULL, noofitems INT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (productid, tid), FOREIGN KEY (productid) REFERENCES product(productid), FOREIGN KEY (tid) REFERENCES salestransaction(tid) ); This example is discussed on Page 70. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 13 13
DROP TABLE DROP TABLE Used to remove a table from the database This example is discussed on Page 70. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 14 14
Cannot delete a parent entity DROP TABLE statements for ZAGI Retail Company Sales Department Database INVALID SEQUENCE DROP TABLE region; DROP TABLE store; DROP TABLE salestransaction; DROP TABLE product; DROP TABLE vendor; DROP TABLE category; DROP TABLE customer; DROP TABLE soldvia; Cannot delete a parent entity This example is discussed on Pages 129-131. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 15 15
DROP TABLE statements for ZAGI Retail Company Sales Department Database INVALID SEQUENCE DROP TABLE region; DROP TABLE store; DROP TABLE salestransaction; DROP TABLE product; DROP TABLE vendor; DROP TABLE category; DROP TABLE customer; DROP TABLE soldvia; VALID SEQUENCE DROP TABLE soldvia; DROP TABLE product; DROP TABLE salestransaction; DROP TABLE customer; DROP TABLE category; DROP TABLE vendor; DROP TABLE store; DROP TABLE region; This example is discussed on Pages 129-131. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 16 16
INSERT INTO INSERT INTO Used to populate the created relations with data This example is discussed on Pages 129-131. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 17 17
Data records: ZAGI Retail Company Sales Department Database Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 18 18
INSERT INTO statements for ZAGI Retail Company Sales Department Database INSERT INTO vendor VALUES ('PG','Pacifica Gear'); INSERT INTO vendor VALUES ('MK','Mountain King'); INSERT INTO category VALUES ('CP','Camping'); INSERT INTO category VALUES ('FW','Footwear'); INSERT INTO product VALUES ('1X1','Zzz Bag',100,'PG','CP'); INSERT INTO product VALUES ('2X2','Easy Boot',70,'MK','FW'); INSERT INTO product VALUES ('3X3','Cosy Sock',15,'MK','FW'); INSERT INTO product VALUES ('4X4','Dura Boot',90,'PG','FW'); INSERT INTO product VALUES ('5X5','Tiny Tent',150,'MK','CP'); INSERT INTO product VALUES ('6X6','Biggy Tent',250,'MK','CP'); INSERT INTO region VALUES ('C','Chicagoland'); INSERT INTO region VALUES ('T','Tristate'); INSERT INTO store VALUES ('S1','60600','C'); INSERT INTO store VALUES ('S2','60605','C'); INSERT INTO store VALUES ('S3','35400','T'); INSERT INTO customer VALUES ('1-2-333','Tina','60137'); INSERT INTO customer VALUES ('2-3-444','Tony','60611'); INSERT INTO customer VALUES ('3-4-555','Pam','35401'); This example is discussed on Pages 131-132. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 19 19
INSERT INTO statements for ZAGI Retail Company Sales Department Database INSERT INTO salestransaction VALUES ('T111','1-2-333','S1','01/Jan/2013'); INSERT INTO salestransaction VALUES ('T222','2-3-444','S2','01/Jan/2013'); INSERT INTO salestransaction VALUES ('T333','1-2-333','S3','02/Jan/2013'); INSERT INTO salestransaction VALUES ('T444','3-4-555','S3','02/Jan/2013'); INSERT INTO salestransaction VALUES ('T555','2-3-444','S3','02/Jan/2013'); INSERT INTO soldvia VALUES ('1X1','T111',1); INSERT INTO soldvia VALUES ('2X2','T222',1); INSERT INTO soldvia VALUES ('3X3','T333',5); INSERT INTO soldvia VALUES ('1X1','T333',1); INSERT INTO soldvia VALUES ('4X4','T444',1); INSERT INTO soldvia VALUES ('2X2','T444',2); INSERT INTO soldvia VALUES ('4X4','T555',4); INSERT INTO soldvia VALUES ('5X5','T555',2); INSERT INTO soldvia VALUES ('6X6','T555',1); Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 20 20
SELECT SELECT Used for the retrieval of data from the database relations Most commonly issued SQL statement Basic form: SELECT <columns> FROM <table> This example is discussed on Pages 132-134. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 21 21
SELECT Query 1 text: Retrieve the entire contents of the relation PRODUCT Query 1: SELECT productid, productname, productprice, vendorid, categoryid FROM product; Query 1 result: This example is discussed on Pages 132-134. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 22 22
SELECT Query 1 text: Retrieve the entire contents of the relation PRODUCT Query 1a: SELECT * FROM product; Query 1a result: Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 23 23
SELECT Query 2 text: Retrieve the entire contents of the relation PRODUCT and show the columns in the following order: ProductName, ProductID, VendorID, CategoryID, ProductPrice Query 2: SELECT productname, productid, vendorid, categoryid, productprice FROM product; Query 2 result: This example is discussed on Page 134. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 24 24
SELECT Query 3 text: For the relation PRODUCT, show the columns ProductID and ProductPrice Query 3: SELECT productid, productprice FROM product; Query 3 result: This example is discussed on Page 135. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 25 25
SELECT SELECT In addition to displaying columns, the SELECT clause can be used to display derived attributes (calculated columns) represented as expressions SELECT statement can be structured as follows: SELECT <columns, expressions> FROM <table> This example is discussed on Page 135. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 26 26
SELECT Query 3a text: For the relation PRODUCT, show the columns ProductID and ProductPrice Query 3a: SELECT productid, productprice, productprice * 1.1 FROM product; Query 3a result: This example is discussed on Page 135. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 27 27
SELECT SELECT The SELECT FROM statement can contain other optional keywords, such as WHERE, GROUP BY, HAVING, and ORDER BY, appearing in this order: : SELECT <columns, expressions> FROM <tables> WHERE <row selection condition> GROUP BY <grouping columns> HAVING <group selection condition> ORDER BY <sorting columns, expressions> Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 28 28
WHERE WHERE WHERE condition determines which rows should be retrieved and consequently which rows should not be retrieved The logical condition determining which records to retrieve can use one of the following logical comparison operators: = Equal to < Less than > Greater than <= Less than or equal to >= Greater than or equal to != Not equal to <> Not equal to (alternative notation | uncommon) This example is discussed on Page 136. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 29 29
WHERE Query 4 text: Retrieve the product id, product name, vendor id, and product price for each product whose price is above $100 Query 4: SELECT productid, productname, vendorid, productprice FROM product WHERE productprice > 100; Query 4 result: Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 30 30
WHERE Query 5 text: Retrieve the product id, product name, vendor id, and product price for each product in the FW category whose price is equal to or below $110 Query 5: SELECT productid, productname, vendorid, productprice FROM product WHERE productprice <= 110 AND categoryid = 'FW'; Query 5 result: Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 31 31
DISTINCT DISTINCT Can be used in conjunction with the SELECT statement Eliminates duplicate values from a query result This example is discussed on Page 136. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 32 32
DISTINCT Query 6 text: Retrieve the VendorID value for each record in the relation PRODUCT Query 6: SELECT vendorid FROM product; Query 6 result: This example is discussed on Page 137. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 33 33
DISTINCT Query 7 text: Show one instance of all the different VendorID values in the relation PRODUCT Query 7: SELECT DISTINCT vendorid FROM product; Query 7 result: Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 34 34
ORDER BY ORDER BY Used to sort the results of the query by one or more columns (or expressions) This example is discussed on Page 137. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 35 35
ORDER BY Query 8 text: Retrieve the product id, product name, category id, and product price for each product in the FW product category, sorted by product price Query 8: SELECT productid, productname, categoryid, productprice FROM product WHERE categoryid = 'FW' ORDER BY productprice; Query 8 result: This example is discussed on Page 137. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 36 36
ORDER BY Query 9 text: Retrieve the product id, product name, category id, and product price for each product in the FW product category, sorted by product price in descending order Query 9: SELECT productid, productname, categoryid, productprice FROM product WHERE categoryid = 'FW' ORDER BY productprice DESC; Query 9 result: Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 37 37
ORDER BY Query 10 text: Retrieve the product id, product name, category id, and product price for each product, sorted by category id and, within the same category id, by product price Query 10 : SELECT productid, productname, categoryid, productprice FROM product ORDER BY categoryid, productprice; Query 10 result: This example is discussed on Page 138. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 38 38
LIKE LIKE Used for retrieval of records whose values partially match a certain criteria This example is discussed on Page 138. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 39 39
LIKE Query 11 text: Retrieve the record for each product whose product name contains the phrase ’Boot’ Query 11 : SELECT * FROM product WHERE productname LIKE '%Boot%'; Query 11 result: This example is discussed on Page 138. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 40 40
Like Operator - Patterns DESCRIPTION WHERE CustomerName LIKE 'a%' Finds any values that start with "a" WHERE CustomerName LIKE '%a' Finds any values that end with "a" WHERE CustomerName LIKE '%or%' Finds any values that have "or" in any position WHERE CustomerName LIKE '_r%' Finds any values that have "r" in the second position WHERE CustomerName LIKE 'a_%_%' Finds any values that start with "a" and are at least 3 characters in length WHERE ContactName LIKE 'a%o' Finds any values that start with "a" and ends with "o" Tip: You can also combine any number of conditions using AND or OR operators Reference:
AGGREGATE FUNCTIONS Aggregate functions For calculating and summarizing values in queries, SQL provides the following aggregate functions: COUNT SUM AVG MIN MAX Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 42 42
AGGREGATE FUNCTIONS Query 12 text: Retrieve the average price of all products Query 12 : SELECT AVG(productprice) FROM product; Query 12 result: This example is discussed on Page 139. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 43 43
AGGREGATE FUNCTIONS Query 13 text: Show how many products we offer for sale Query 13 : SELECT COUNT(*) FROM product; Query 13 result: Functions SUM and AVG operate on numeric values only. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 44 44
AGGREGATE FUNCTIONS Query 14 text: Retrieve the number of vendors that supply our products Query 14 : SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT vendorid) FROM product; Query 14 result: This example is discussed on Page 139. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 45 45
AGGREGATE FUNCTIONS Query 15 text: Retrieve the number of products, average product price, lowest product price, and highest product price in the CP product category Query 15 : SELECT COUNT(*), AVG(productprice), MIN(productprice), MAX(productprice) FROM product WHERE categoryid = 'CP'; Query 15 result: This example is discussed on Page 139. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 46 46
GROUP BY GROUP BY Enables summarizations across the groups of related data within tables The GROUP BY statement is often used with aggregate functions (COUNT, MAX, MIN, SUM, AVG) to group the result-set by one or more columns This example is discussed on Page 140. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 47 47
Out source – Group By Examples SELECT COUNT(CustomerID), Country FROM Customers GROUP BY Country; This example is discussed on Page 140. Reference: 48
Out source – Group By Examples This example is discussed on Page 140. Reference: Chapter 5 – Slide 49 49
Out source – Group By Examples SELECT COUNT(CustomerID), Country FROM Customers GROUP BY Country ORDER BY COUNT(CustomerID) DESC; This example is discussed on Page 140. Reference: Chapter 5 – Slide 50 50
Out source – Group By Examples This example is discussed on Page 140. Reference: Chapter 5 – Slide 51 51
Out source – Group By Examples SELECT COUNT(CustomerID) as counter, Country FROM Customers GROUP BY Country ORDER BY counter DESC; This example is discussed on Page 140. Reference: Chapter 5 – Slide 52 52
GROUP BY Query 16 text: For each vendor, retrieve the vendor id, number of products supplied by the vendor, and average price of the products supplied by the vendor Query 16 : SELECT vendorid, COUNT(*), AVG(productprice) FROM product GROUP BY vendorid; Query 16 result: This example is discussed on Page 140. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 53 53
Query 16 illustration 54 Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 54 54
GROUP BY Query 16 text: For each vendor, retrieve the vendor id, number of products supplied by the vendor, and average price of the products supplied by the vendor Query 16 : SELECT vendorid, COUNT(*), AVG(productprice) INVALID FROM product; ERROR MESSAGE RETURNED This example is discussed on Pages 140-141. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 55 55
GROUP BY Query 17 text: For each vendor, retrieve the number of products supplied by the vendor and the average price of the products supplied by the vendor Query 17 : SELECT COUNT(*), AVG(productprice) FROM product GROUP BY vendorid; Query 17 result (vs. Query 16): This example is discussed on Pages 140-141. Query 17 result Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 56 56
GROUP BY Query 18 text: For each vendor, retrieve the vendor id and the number of products with a product price of $100 or higher supplied by the vendor Query 18 : SELECT vendorid, COUNT(*) FROM product WHERE productprice >= 100 GROUP BY vendorid; Query 18 result: This example is discussed on Page 142. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 57 57
GROUP BY Query 19 text: Consider the groups of products where each group contains the products that are from the same category supplied by the same vendor. For each such group, retrieve the vendor id, product category id, number of products in the group, and average price of the products in the group. Query 19 : SELECT vendorid, categoryid, COUNT(*), AVG(productprice) FROM product GROUP BY vendorid, categoryid; Query 19 result: This example is discussed on Pages 142. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 58 58
GROUP BY Query 20 text: For each product, retrieve the ProductID value and the total number of product items sold within all sales transactions. Query 20 : SELECT productid, SUM(noofitems) FROM soldvia GROUP BY productid; Query 20 result: This example is discussed on Pages 142-143. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 59 59
GROUP BY Query 21 text: For each product, retrieve the ProductID value and the number of sales transactions in which the product was sold Query 21: SELECT productid, COUNT(*) FROM soldvia GROUP BY productid; Query 21 result: This example is discussed on Page 143. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 60 60
SELECT TOP, LIMIT, or ROWNUM Clause SQL Select Top Is used to specify the number of records to return Useful on large tables with thousands of records Returning a large number of records can impact on performance Note Not all database systems support the SELECT TOP clause MYSQL supports the LIMIT clause to select a limited number of records Oracle uses ROWNUM This example is discussed on Page 143. 61
SELECT LIMIT - MYSQL MySQL Syntax SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name WHERE condition LIMIT number; SELECT * FROM Customers LIMIT 3; This example is discussed on Page 143. 62
LIMIT 3 This example is discussed on Page 143. 63
SQL BETWEEN Between Operator Syntax It selects values within a given range Values can be numbers, text, or dates Syntax SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name WHERE column_name BETWEEN value1 AND value2; This example is discussed on Page 143. 64
BETWEEN Example SELECT * FROM Products WHERE Price BETWEEN 10 AND 20 LIMIT 3; This example is discussed on Page 143. 65
NOT BETWEEN Example SELECT * FROM Products WHERE Price NOT BETWEEN 10 AND 20 LIMIT 3; This example is discussed on Page 143. 66
BETWEEN w\ IN Example SELECT * FROM Products WHERE (Price BETWEEN 10 AND 20) AND NOT CategoryID IN (1, 2, 3) LIMIT 3; This example is discussed on Page 143. 67
BETWEEN Dates Example SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE OrderDate BETWEEN '1996-07-01' AND '1996-07-31’ limit 3; This example is discussed on Page 143. 68
CONCAT - Concatenate SELECT CustomerName, Address + ', ' + PostalCode + ' ' + City + ', ' + Country AS Address FROM Customers; MySQL SELECT CustomerName, CONCAT(Address,', ',PostalCode, ', ',City,', ',Country) AS Address FROM Customers; This example is discussed on Page 143. 69
HAVING HAVING Enables summarizations across groups of related data within tables Determines which groups will be displayed in the result of a query and, consequently, which groups will not be displayed in the result of the query A query that contains a HAVING clause must also contain a GROUP BY clause Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 70
HAVING vs. Where WHERE clause is used for filtering rows and it applies on each and every row, while HAVING clause is used to filter groups in SQL Where clause introduces a condition on individual rows Having clause introduces a condition on aggregations i.e. results of selection where a single result, such as count, average, min, max, or sum, has been produced from multiple rows As a rule of thumb, use WHERE before GROUP BY and HAVING after GROUP BY. It is a rather primitive rule but it is useful in more than 90% of the cases. This example is discussed on Page 145. 71
HAVING Query 22 text: Consider the groups of products where each group contains the products that are from the same category and supplied by the same vendor. For each such group that has more than one product, retrieve the vendor id, product category id, number of products in the group, and average price of the products in the group. Query 22: SELECT vendorid, categoryid, COUNT(*), AVG(productprice) FROM product GROUP BY vendorid, categoryid HAVING COUNT(*) > 1; Query 22 result: This example is discussed on Pages 143-144. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 72 72
HAVING Query 23 text: Consider the groups of products where each group contains the products that are from the same category, supplied by the same vendor, and whose product price is $50 or higher. For each such group that has more than one product, retrieve the vendor id, product category id, number of products in the group, and average price of the products. Query 23: SELECT vendorid, categoryid, COUNT(*), AVG(productprice) FROM product WHERE productprice >= 50 GROUP BY vendorid, categoryid HAVING COUNT(*) > 1; Query 23 result: Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 73 73
HAVING Query 24 text: For each product that has more than three items sold within all sales transactions, retrieve the ProductID value and the total number of product items sold within all sales transactions Query 24: SELECT productid, SUM(noofitems) FROM soldvia GROUP BY productid HAVING SUM(noofitems) > 3; Query 24 result: This example is discussed on Page 144. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 74 74
HAVING Query 25 text: For each product that was sold in more than one sales transaction, retrieve the ProductID value and the number of sales transactions in which the product was sold Query 25: SELECT productid, COUNT(*) FROM soldvia GROUP BY productid HAVING COUNT(*) > 1; Query 25 result: This example is discussed on Pages 144-145. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 75 75
HAVING Query 26 text: For each product that has more than three items sold within all sales transactions, retrieve the ProductID value Query 26: SELECT productid FROM soldvia GROUP BY productid HAVING SUM(noofitems) > 3; Query 26 result: This example is discussed on Page 145. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 76 76
HAVING Query 27 text: For each product that was sold in more than one sales transaction, retrieve the ProductID value Query 27: SELECT productid FROM soldvia GROUP BY productid HAVING COUNT(*) > 1; Query 27 result: This example is discussed on Page 145. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 77 77
NESTED QUERIES Nested Query A query that is used within another query A nested query is also referred to as an inner query, The query that uses the nested query is referred to as an outer query This example is discussed on Page 146. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 78 78
NESTED QUERIES Query 28 text: For each product whose product price is below the average price of all products, retrieve the product id, product name, and product price Query 28: SELECT productid, productname, productprice FROM product WHERE productprice < ( SELECT AVG(productprice) FROM product); Query 28 result: This example is discussed on Page 146. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 79 79
NESTED QUERIES Query 28 text: For each product whose product price is below the average price of all products, retrieve the product id, product name, and product price Query 28: SELECT productid, productname, productprice INVALID FROM product WHERE productprice < AVG(productprice); A query may contain another query (or queries). Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 80 80
SQL IN Operator IN Operator Syntax Used for comparison of a value with a set of values It allows you to specify multiple values in a WHERE clause Is a shorthand for multiple or conditions Syntax SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name WHERE column_name IN (value1, value2, …, valueN); SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name WHERE column_name IN (SELECT STATEMENT); This example is discussed on Page 143. 81
IN Operator SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Country IN (‘Germany’, ‘France’, ‘UK’); This example is discussed on Page 143. 82
IN Operator – query result SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Country IN (‘Germany’, ‘France’, ‘UK’) LIMIT 3; This example is discussed on Page 143. 83
NOT IN Operator SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Country NOT IN (‘Germany’, ‘France’, ‘UK’); This example is discussed on Page 143. 84
IN Operator – query result SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Country NOT IN (‘Germany’, ‘France’, ‘UK’) LIMIT 3; This example is discussed on Page 143. 85
IN Operator – inner query SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Country IN (SELECT Country FROM Suppliers); This example is discussed on Page 143. 86
IN – Additional Samples Query 29 text: For each product that has more than three items sold within all sales transactions, retrieve the product id, product name, and product price Query 29: SELECT productid, productname, productprice FROM product WHERE productid IN (SELECT productid FROM soldvia GROUP BY productid HAVING SUM(noofitems) > 3); Query 29 result: This example is discussed on Page 146. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 87 87
IN – Additional Samples Query 30 text: For each product whose items were sold in more than one sales transaction, retrieve the product id, product name and product price Query 30 : SELECT productid, productname, productprice FROM product WHERE productid IN (SELECT productid FROM soldvia GROUP BY productid HAVING COUNT(*) > 1); Query 30 result: This example is discussed on Page 146-147. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 88 88
Exercises/Demo Write a query that returns all regions that have no stores Write a query that returns all customers who have not bought anything Write a query that returns all customers who have made purchases This example is discussed on Page 146-147. 89
JOIN A join clause is used to combine rows from two or more tables Based on a related column between them (PK/FK) This example is discussed on Page 147. 90
Types of JOIN Inner Join (default): returns records that have matching values in both tables Left (Outer) Join: Return all records from the left table, and the matched records from the right table Right (Outer) Join: Return all records from the right table, and the matched records from the left table Full (Outer) Join: Return all records when there is a match in either left or right table This example is discussed on Page 147. 91
Types of JOIN This example is discussed on Page 147. 92
Inner Join Syntas The INNER JOIN keyword selects records that have matching values in both tables. select regionname from store inner join region on region.regionid = store.regionid; This example is discussed on Page 146-147. 93
Inner Join Syntax w/ Group By select regionname, count(*) as number_of_stores from store inner join region on region.regionid = store.regionid group by regionname; This example is discussed on Page 146-147. 94
Inner Join Syntax w/ Group By select regionname, count(*) as number_of_stores from store inner join region on region.regionid = store.regionid group by regionname; having number_of_stores > 1 This example is discussed on Page 146-147. 95
LEFT JOIN The left join keyword returns all records from the left table (table1), and the matched records from the right table (table2). The result is NULL from the right side, if there is no match SELECT column_name(s) FROM table1 LEFT JOIN table2 ON table1.column_name = table2.column_name; This example is discussed on Page 146-147. 96
RIGHT JOIN The RIGHT JOIN keyword returns all records from the right table (table2), and the matched records from the left table (table1). The result is NULL from the left side, when there is no match. SELECT column_name(s) FROM table1 RIGHT JOIN table2 ON table1.column_name = table2.column_name; This example is discussed on Page 146-147. 97
FULL OUTTER JOIN The FULL OUTER JOIN keyword return all records when there is a match in either left (table1) or right (table2) table records. Note: FULL OUTER JOIN can potentially return very large result-sets! SELECT column_name(s) FROM table1 FULL OUTER JOIN table2 ON table1.column_name = table2.column_name; This example is discussed on Page 146-147. 98
DEMO Customer City
DEMO - INNER JOIN Customer City
ENTITY/Relation ALIAS An alternative and usually shorter name that can be used anywhere within a query instead of the full relation name This example is discussed on Pages 148-151. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 106 106
ALIAS Query 31 text: For each product, retrieve the product id, name of the product, name of the vendor of the product, and price of the product Query 31: SELECT productid, productname, vendorname, productprice FROM product, vendor WHERE product.vendorid = vendor.vendorid; Query 31 result: This example is discussed on Pages 148-151. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 107 107
ALIAS Query 31a text: For each product, retrieve the product id, name of the product, (same query) name of the vendor of the product, and price of the product Query 31a: SELECT p.productid, p.productname, v.vendorname, p.productprice FROM product p, vendor v WHERE p.vendorid = v.vendorid; Query 31a result: (same result) Columns can also have aliases but their use is more restricted within a query. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 108 108
ALIAS Query 31b text: For each product, retrieve the product id, name of the product, (same query) name of the vendor of the product, and price of the product Query 31b: SELECT p.productid pid, p.productname pname, v.vendorname vname, p.productprice pprice FROM product p, vendor v WHERE p.vendorid = v.vendorid; Query 31b result: (same result, different column names in the result) This example is discussed on Page 151. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 109 109
ALIAS Query 31c text: For each product, retrieve the product id, name of the product, (same query) name of the vendor of the product, and price of the product Query 31c: SELECT p.productid AS pid, p.productname AS pname, v.vendorname AS vname, p.productprice AS pprice FROM product p, vendor v WHERE p.vendorid = v.vendorid; Query 31c result: (same result, as Query 31b) This example is discussed on Page 151. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 110 110
ALTER TABLE (DML) ALTER TABLE Used to change the structure of the relation, once the relation is already created This example is discussed on Page 152. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 111 111
ALTER TABLE Alter Statement 1: ALTER TABLE vendor ADD ( vendorphonenumber CHAR(11)); Alter Statement 2: ALTER TABLE vendor DROP ( vendorphonenumber); This example is discussed on Page 151. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 112 112
UPDATE UPDATE Used to modify the data stored in database relations 113 Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 113 113
UPDATE Insert Statement 1: INSERT INTO product VALUES ('7×7','Airy Sock',1000,'MK','CP'); Update Statement 1: UPDATE product SET productprice = 10 WHERE productid = '7×7'; Alter Statement 3: ALTER TABLE product ADD (discount NUMERIC(3,2) ); Update Statement 2: UPDATE product SET discount = 0.2; Update Statement 3: UPDATE product SET discount = 0.3 WHERE vendorid = 'MK'; Alter Statement 4: ALTER TABLE product DROP (discount); This example is discussed on Page 153. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 114 114
DELETE DELETE Used to delete the data stored in database relations This example is discussed on Pages 153-154. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 115 115
DELETE Delete Statement 1: DELETE FROM product WHERE productid = '7×7'; This example is discussed on Page 154. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 116 116
VIEW VIEW Mechanism in SQL that allows the structure of a query to be saved in the RDBMS Also known as a virtual table View is not an actual table and does not have any data physically saved Every time a view is invoked, it executes a query that retrieves the data from the actual tables A view can be used in SELECT statements just like any other table from a database Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 117 117
VIEW Create View Statement 1: CREATE VIEW products_more_than_3_sold AS SELECT productid, productname, productprice FROM product WHERE productid IN (SELECT productid FROM soldvia GROUP BY productid AVING SUM(noofitems) > 3); Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 118 118
VIEW Query 29 text: For each product that has more than three items sold within all sales transactions, retrieve the product id, product name, and product price Query 29: SELECT productid, productname, productprice FROM product WHERE productid IN (SELECT productid FROM soldvia GROUP BY productid HAVING SUM(noofitems) > 3); Query 29 result: Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 119 119
VIEW Query 29a text: For each product that has more than three items sold within all (same query) sales transactions, retrieve the product id, product name, and product price Query 29a: SELECT * FROM products_more_than_3_sold; Query 29a result: (same result) This example is discussed on Pages 154-155. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 120 120
VIEW Create View Statement 2: CREATE VIEW products_in_multiple_trnsc AS SELECT productid, productname, productprice FROM product WHERE productid IN (SELECT productid FROM soldvia GROUP BY productid HAVING COUNT(*) > 1); This example is discussed on Pages 154-155. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 121 121
VIEW Query 30 text: For each product whose items were sold in more than one sales transaction, retrieve the product name and product price Query 30 : SELECT productid, productname, productprice FROM product WHERE productid IN (SELECT productid FROM soldvia GROUP BY productid HAVING COUNT(*) > 1); Query 30 result: This example is discussed on Pages 154-155. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 122 122
VIEW Query 30a text: For each product whose items were sold in more than one sales (same query) transaction, retrieve the product name and product price Query 30a : SELECT * FROM products_in_multiple_trnsc; Query 30a result: (same result) This example is discussed on Page 155. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 123 123
VIEW Views will remain stored in the database such as tables list all views in the database using the following: SHOW FULL TABLES IN databse_name WHERE TABLE_TYPE LIKE 'VIEW’; Update a View: CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW view_name AS SELECT column1, column2, ... FROM table_name WHERE condition; Delete/Drop a view: DROP VIEW view_name; This example is discussed on Page 155. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 124 124
SET OPERATORS Set operators Standard set operators: union, intersection, and difference Used to combine the results of two or more SELECT statements that are union compatible Two sets of columns are union compatible if they contain the same number of columns, and if the data types of the columns in one set match the data types of the columns in the other set The first column in one set has a compatible data type with the data type of the first column in the other set, the second column in one set has a compatible data type with the data type of the second column in the other set, and so on. The set operators can combine results from SELECT statements querying relations, views, or other SELECT queries. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 125
SET OPERATORS UNION Used to combine the union compatible results of two SELECT statements by listing all rows from the result of the first SELECT statement and all rows from the result of the other SELECT statement If two or more rows are identical only one of them is shown (duplicates are eliminated from the result) Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 126
SET OPERATORS Query 36 text: Retrieve the product id, product name, and product price for each product that has more than three items sold within all sales transactions or whose items were sold in more than one sales transaction Query 36: SELECT * FROM products_more_than_3_sold UNION SELECT * FROM products_in_multiple_trnsc; Query 36 result: This example is discussed on Page 155. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 127 127
SET OPERATORS INTERSECT Used to combine the results of two SELECT statements that are union compatible by listing every row that appears in the result of both of the SELECT statements This example is discussed on Page 155. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 128 128
SET OPERATORS Query 37 text: Retrieve the product id, product name, and product price for each product that has more than three items sold within all sales transactions and whose items were sold in more than one sales transaction Query 37: SELECT * FROM products_more_than_3_sold INTERSECT SELECT * FROM products_in_multiple_trnsc; Query 37 result: Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 129 129
SET OPERATORS MINUS (EXCEPT) Used to combine the results of two SELECT statements that are union compatible by listing every row from the result of the first SELECT statement that does not appear in the result of the other SELECT statement Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 130 130
SET OPERATORS Query 38 text: Retrieve the product id, product name, and product price for each product that has more than three items sold within all sales transactions but whose items were not sold in more than one sales transaction Query 38: SELECT * FROM products_more_than_3_sold MINUS SELECT * FROM products_in_multiple_trnsc; Query 38 result: This example is discussed on Pages 155-156. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 131 131
IS NULL IS NULL Used in queries that contain comparisons with an empty value in a column of a record This example is discussed on Pages 163-164. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 132 132
IS NULL Query 45 text: Retrieve records for all managers who do not have a bonus Query 45: SELECT * FROM manager WHERE mbonus IS NULL; Query 45 result: Regular JOIN is also sometimes referred to as an INNER JOIN, to differentiate it from the OUTER JOIN. Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 133 133
INSERTING FROM A QUERY Inserting from a query A query retrieving the data from one relation can be used to populate another relation Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 134 134
INSERTING FROM A QUERY Create Table Statement 1: CREATE TABLE cleaningdenormalized ( buildingid CHAR(3) NOT NULL, aptno CHAR(5) NOT NULL, smemberid CHAR(4) NOT NULL, smembername VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (buildingid, aptno, smemberid)); Insert Statement 2: INSERT INTO cleaningdenormalized SELECT c.buildingid, c.aptno, s.smemberid, s.smembername FROM cleaning c, staffmember s WHERE c.smemberid = s.smemberid; Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 135 135
CASE The CASE statement goes through conditions and return a value when the first condition is met (like an IF-THEN-ELSE statement) So, once a condition is true, it will stop reading and return the result. If no conditions are true, it returns the value in the ELSE clause If there is no ELSE part and no conditions are true, it returns NULL CASE WHEN condition1 THEN result1 WHEN condition2 THEN result2 WHEN conditionN THEN resultN ELSE result END; Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 136 136
CASE SELECT OrderID, Quantity, CASE WHEN Quantity > 30 THEN "The quantity is greater than 30" WHEN Quantity = 30 THEN "The quantity is 30" ELSE "The quantity is under 30" END AS QuantityText FROM OrderDetails; Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 137 137
CASE SELECT OrderID, Quantity, CASE WHEN Quantity > 30 THEN "The quantity is greater than 30" WHEN Quantity = 30 THEN "The quantity is 30" ELSE "The quantity is under 30" END AS QuantityText FROM OrderDetails; Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 138 138
CASE The following SQL will order the customers by City. However, if City is NULL, then order by Country: SELECT CustomerName, City, Country FROM Customers ORDER BY (CASE WHEN City IS NULL THEN Country ELSE City END); Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 139 139
COMMENTS Single line comments start with -- Multi-line Comments --Select all: SELECT * FROM Customers; Multi-line Comments /*Select all the columns of all the records in the Customers table:*/ SELECT * FROM Customers; SELECT /* city, */ quantity from Customer; Jukić, Vrbsky, Nestorov – Database Systems Chapter 5 – Slide 140 140
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