#32 Don’t miss out on your reward church The message of 1Corinthians for today mess y #32 Don’t miss out on your reward 1Corinthians 10:1-11
#32 Don’t miss out on your reward 1Corinthians 10:1-11 mess y church
#32 Don’t miss out on your reward 1Corinthians 10:1-11 mess y church Therefore, I will make my body a slave… (9:27) Some will receive great reward (3:14) A crown that will last (9:25) Some will escape through the flames (3:15)
Don’t miss out on the full reward! #32 Don’t miss out on your reward 1Corinthians 10:1-11 mess y church Chapter 10: Full of Old Testament pictures “Under the cloud”: experienced God’s presence & protection “Passed through the sea”: baptism “Ate the same spiritual food / drink”: communion BUT… they all missed out on the full reward Don’t miss out on the full reward! Store up treasure in heaven! (Matthew 6:20, 10:24)
These things happened to them as examples and warnings for us. #32 Don’t miss out on your reward 1Corinthians 10:1-11 mess y church They missed out on the full reward because of… Idolatry Exodus 32: golden calf Sexual immorality Numbers 25: Moabite women Testing God Numbers 21: testing God’s patience – provision - love Grumbling Numbers 16: Korah’s rebellion These things happened to them as examples and warnings for us.