QKS RE ambassadors Helping in primary schools In June 2015 The Queen Katherine's application to join the Religious Education Council's young ambassador's scheme was successful. Inviting in Members of Parliament to talk about RE The Young Ambassadors for RE scheme gives students aged 11 - 18 opportunities to share their enthusiasm and interest for RE and gain leadership experience. Our 5 ambassadors give their perspective to adults who work to support RE at the highest levels, such as the RE Council and MPs in Parliament.
RE ambassadors go to London! Annual Young Ambassadors Conference 2016 We presented our research on the new Kadampa Buddhism faith to the rest of the Young Ambassadors and representatives from the RE Council.
July 2016 The RE ambassadors go to the Houses of Parliament to speak about the role of RE in schools. It was a very stimulating debate that raised lots of questions about RE in schools today.
Certificate received One of the certificates received from our RE Ambassadors to acknowledge our hard work this year.
Our hopes We hope you recognise our contributions to the RE Council over the past two years and we really hope to be successful in our reapplication. Being a part of the Young RE Ambassador Scheme has raised the profile of RE across Cumbria, particularly in schools. We understand the importance of learning about faith and belief to lead to a more tolerant society
The future We are currently in the process of planning and hosting an event during interfaith week that will celebrate the diversity of faith in the local area.