Summary of data to be provided on students in tertiary education Eurostat-F5 8 November 2012 Eurostat Working Group Education and Training Statistics - Luxembourg
Summary of data on tertiary education Graduates All graduates Mobile graduates Reg 88/2011 rev. Reg By sex and age (GRAD 2&4) By fields of education and sex (GRAD5) Reg 88/2011 rev. Reg Foreigners + country of origin (UOE 2012 manual) Country of origin By type of institution, sex and mobile and foreign students by sex (GRAD3) deleted Pilot or tested tables rev. Reg By country of origin (GRAD9) Degree mobile graduates by country of origin, sex Credit mobile graduates Credit mobile students enrolled by type of By type of mobility, type of mobility scheme mobility scheme, duration of stay abroad, region (CRED2) By type of mobility, duration of stay abroad and region of destination Data needed for the EU benchmark 8 November 2012 Eurostat Working Group Education and Training Statistics - Luxembourg
Summary of data on tertiary education Enrolments All students, excl. exchange programmes ("incoming credit mobile students") Mobile students Reg 88/2011 rev. Reg By type of institution, intensity of participation, sex (ENRL1a) By intensity of participation, sex and age (ENRL1) By sex and age By fields of education and sex (ENRL5) By region (REGIO1&2) Reg 88/2011 rev. Reg Foreigners + country of origin (UOE 2012 manual) Country of origin By EU/non-EU citizenship, sex (ENRL7) deleted By fields of education, sex (ENRL6) By citizenship (ENRL8) by country of By country of origin (ENRL9) origin and sex Table tested in 2012 by TF learning mobility rev. Reg Outgoing credit mobile students, by type of mobility and country of destination (CRED1) 8 November 2012 Eurostat Working Group Education and Training Statistics - Luxembourg