Timothy Ball Elementary School School Board Report November 28, 2016
Our Goals Academic Fitness Physical Fitness Social Fitness Standard 1: Purpose and Direction
Individualized Cycle of Success Assessment and Analysis Informed Instruction Self Esteem Best Practice Supports Standard 1: Purpose and Direction
Know your customer…. Standard 1: Purpose and Direction
Multiple Assessments K-screening mCLASS STAR Reader STAR Math ISTEP Acuity Terra Nova In View Accelerated Reader Aimsweb
School Improvement goals and Academic Targets 90% at benchmark ** 65% growth Standard 1: Purpose and Direction
HIGH AND RIGHT Standard 1: Purpose and Direction
HIGH AND RIGHT Standard 1: Purpose and Direction
ELA/Reading Data ISTEP 14-15 15-16 STAR 14-15 15-16 1 70.6% 65.2% 2 3rd 83.7% 81.4% 4th 58.8% 80.6% 5th 88.0% 63.8% STAR 14-15 15-16 1 70.6% 65.2% 2 82.5% 68.1% 3 73.7% 80.6% 4 40.0% 57.0% 5 52.1% 50.7%
Math Data ISTEP 14-15 15-16 STAR 14-15 15-16 3rd 78.6% 4th 61.8% 72.0% 77.0% 60.9% STAR 14-15 15-16 1 78.3% 85.7% 2 92.1% 90.4% 3 67.0% 82.6% 4 43.9% 71.7% 5 58.3% 58.2%
Progress Challenges Improvements Improvements Needed ISTEP Growth ELA peformance Advocacy STEM/Robotics Passing Rates EL/FRL Pass Rates Space in Building Assessments Tool Box Improvements Improvements Needed Growth Advocacy Student Programs Literacy Knowledge CP 2.0 / Buzz Music Use of Resources Personalization Educational Efficiency Advocacy Literacy Instruction
Best Practice Interventions Guided Reading Math Facts In A Flash Dream Box Odyssey RAZ Kidz Fastt Math Spelling City Handwriting without tears High Noon Quick Reads Leveled Literacy Standard 1: Purpose and Direction
PBIS supports Counseling Career Cruising Support Services PBIS supports Counseling Career Cruising Standard 1: Purpose and Direction
Individualized Cycle of Success Assessment and Analysis Informed Instruction Self Esteem Best Practice Supports Standard 1: Purpose and Direction
Timothy Ball Elementary School ….where all students become Fit For Life