Working Group Meeting Report USC-CSE Annual Research Review Los Angeles, CA March 16, 2004 Working Group Meeting Report Ricardo Valerdi – USC Center for Software Engineering
COSYSMO Workshop Agenda Morning (8:00 AM – noon) Brief Overview of COSYSMO and Delphi R2 results Updates on action items from October 2003 meeting Open Issues on driver definitions Preliminary Results from exploratory dataset Afternoon (1:00 PM – 5:00 PM) myCOSYSMO update Sizing revisited Life cycle extensions of the model Other open issues & data collection Action items
COSYSMO Introduction Parametric model to estimate system engineering costs Includes 4 size & 14 cost drivers Covers full system engineering lifecycle Developed with USC-CSE Corporate Affiliate and INCOSE participation Conceptualize Operate, Maintain, or Enhance Transition to Operation Replace or Dismantle Oper Test & Eval Develop
Action Items from October ‘03 Need to develop a better way to count requirements Follow up with Delphi respondents that were outliers Normalize the Delphi responses to Nominal # of System Requirements Update Process Capability driver Add “Extra High” ratings to the drivers that contain only 3 rating levels Migration complexity # and diversity of Installations/Platforms
Action Items from Working Group Meeting Subgroups created to work on Life cycle extensions (volatility and reuse) EIA 632 activities included in the model Insert ISO 15504 and CMM/CMMI equivalence (mapping) in the Process Capability Driver Create a Key Process Areas questionnaire Need a scope definitions of what an “organization” means Reduce the Migration Complexity driver from 5 viewpoints to 2 Provide guidance on drivers with multiple viewpoints Remove the words “shall” and “will” from the # of System Requirements driver; instead use the requirements verification matrix for sizing Develop a block diagram of the model envisioned architecture Prepare for Delphi Round 3 Prepare for next working group meeting: July 28th & 29th Keystone, PSM Users’ Group Conference
COSYSMO Stakeholders Raytheon BAE Aero Northrop LMCO Gen Dyn Boeing Organization Expressed interest Attended Working Group Meeting Signed NDA Filled Out Delphi Contributed Data Developed Local Calibration Uses model as a sanity check Raytheon BAE Aero Northrop LMCO Gen Dyn Boeing L-3
USC/Raytheon myCOSYSMO* *Developed by Gary Thomas at Raytheon Garland
Attendees (19) Garry Roedler (Lockheed Martin) John Rieff (Raytheon) Paul Frenz (General Dynamics) John Starita (General Dynamics) Willie Williams (Boeing) Marilee Wheaton (Aerospace) Paul Mohlman (Aerospace) Jesal Bhuta (USC) Ricardo Valerdi (USC) Via telecon Chris Miller (SPC) Roger Shepherd (Raytheon) John Rieff (Raytheon) Gary Thomas (Raytheon) George Friedman (USC) Barry Boehm (USC) Merrill Palmer (BAE Systems) Cheryl Jones (Army) Gunter Daley (L-3 Comm) Don Reifer (USC) Jo Ann Lane (USC)
Questions or Comments? Dr. Barry Boehm Ricardo Valerdi Website