Watergate: Nixon’s Downfall


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Presentation transcript:

Watergate: Nixon’s Downfall How does the Watergate cover up lead to Nixon’s resignation?

All The President’s Men: John Mitchell Head of CRP (Nixon re-election) & former Attorney General HR “Bob” Haldeman- Chief of Staff John Ehrlichman– Domestic Policy Advisor Harry Robbins Haldeman John Dean - White House Counsel Charles Colson- Special Counsel to President Howard Hunt CIA

Plumbers break-in to Daniel Ellsberg’s psychiatrist office Break in at the DNC After Pentagon Papers, John Ehrlichman & Charles Colson ask Howard Hunt to run “the plumbers” to stop future leaks Plumbers break-in to Daniel Ellsberg’s psychiatrist office June 17th, 1972: Burglars are caught trying to “bug” the Democrats’ HQ at the Watergate hotel Press learns that leader of burglary James McCord worked for CRP aka CREEP (Committee to RE-Elect the President) Answer Question #1

Haldeman informs Nixon of break-in & suggests a cover up The Cover Up Haldeman informs Nixon of break-in & suggests a cover up Shred all documents pertaining to the plumbers Use CRP (CREEP) money to buy burglars silence Ask FBI to stop investigation (national security) Only media covering the story are two Washington Post reporters Bob Woodward & Carl Bernstein 1972: Nixon re-elected in a landslide Answer Question #2

Cover-up Unravels During the Watergate burglars trial James McCord admits that he originally lied about the break-in Woodward & Bernstein find out McCord worked for Howard Hunt & the Plumbers W & B find out Colson & Ehrlichman, hired Hunt and that they and three other people at White House controlled bribe money W & B are being fed information by a government official code named “Deep Throat” Deep Throat implicates Haldeman, Mitchell & Dean as three other people involved Answer Question #3 Answer Question #4 2005: Washington Post has confirmed that Mark Felt, Asst FBI director was Deep Throat

White House Tapes Mitchell, Colson, Haldeman & Ehrlicman resign for their role in the cover-up, claimed Nixon knows nothing WH counsel John Dean refuses to resign and is fired by Nixon Senate begins an investigation, Dean testifies President knew of the cover up, White House denies accusations During Senate hearings its revealed that there was a taping system in the Oval Office Senate demands Nixon turn over tapes, Nixon claims innocence

Nixon v. US Nixon refuses to give up tapes cites “executive privilege” Sp Prosecutor Archibald Cox takes Nixon to court over tapes Answer Questions 5,6,7 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5AndvL7Y9k VP Agnew resigns due to tax evasion issues, Ford named VP New Sp Pros Jaworski takes case to Supreme Court – SC forces Nixon to hand over tapes Despite 18 minute missing gap, tapes show Nixon knew of cover-up – House begins impeachment proceedings

Downfall of a President August 9th, 1974: Rather than face impeachment, Nixon resigns the Presidency Vice President Gerald Ford sworn in as President