OSS and ESS and NSIs ITDG 15 -16 October 2007 Rune Gløersen Director Department for IT and Data Collection Statistics Norway
Common, high-level IT architecture Access and presentation Interaction – common services and components Infrastructure – data sources and basic services
Need/Demand for interoperability Access and presentation ESS National e-government Other NSI’s
OSS and interoperability OSS has no influence on interoperability by itself But open standards have!
OSS and cooperation Presentation layer Interaction (ESS) layer ”Global” OSS Any useful components Developments from NSI’s etc as contributions to common software Interaction (ESS) layer ”ESS” (Eurostat) OSS ESS architecture dependent OSS NSI’s layer Local, voluntary OSS Independent, best practise, based on local initiatives etc
OSS and governance Presentation layer Interaction (ESS) layer ”Global” OSS Standard OSS Governance Interaction (ESS) layer ”ESS” (Eurostat) OSS ESS (sectorial) governance NSI’s layer Local, voluntary OSS case-to-case decided governance?
Integrated and standardised statistical production Metadata sources/services Data collection Questionnaires Variables Data Archives Processing Lack of common architecture & standards Longi-tudinal data Classifications Statistical products Dissemination A lot of internal standardisation still pending