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4th Quarter Reminders Remember to earn your ongoing discussion points. These last 9 weeks are to really show off the skills you have learned. Don’t forget about your informed action! New Historical Questions: How did revolutions around the world transform societies during the post war era? How did alliances, boundaries and national identities shape the post war era?
Post War Uncertainty How did alliances, boundaries and national identities shape the post war era?
What important matters would a nation need to tend to during the post- war recovery period?
The Spread of Communism After the destruction of WWII many nations in the process of rebuilding had different political options. Some “chose” democracy while others “chose” communism. As the Soviets moved through various eastern European countries “liberating” them they began building for the political future. Communist parties were set up in each of these nations. At the end of WWII there were two communist countries. Within four years there would be ten.
Europe’s Iron Curtain Some nations (Hungary, East Germany & Czechoslovakia) were allowed by the Soviets to hold free elections. Initially communism was rejected by these nations and future free elections were cancelled. This led Joseph Stalin to create communist states in seven eastern European countries by influencing their elections. He was able to do this by finding those who were sympathetic to the communist cause and put them in power. Europe became divided by what British Prime Minister Winston Churchill coined the “Iron Curtain”.
New Alliances Democratic & communist nations began to make new alliances. In 1949 NATO was formed with the U.S., Canada, Britain & 9 European nations. In response, in 1955 the Warsaw Pact was formed between the Soviets and 7 Eastern European nations. What did the Warsaw Pact do? Which parts sound dangerous? Which parts sounds beneficial?
The Greek Civil War During WWII Greece was over taken by the Nazis. In March 1946 Greece has its first post- war election with the pro- democracy party winning with the majority of the population believing democracy was the path forward in Greece. The election was “overseen” by the British & did not sit well with the pro- communists. The Greek communists formed their own military to fight for control of the nation. Yugoslavia (communist ruled) back the communist fighters in Greece.
The Greek Civil War Sensing a tide in the struggle for Greece, the U.S. began aiding the pro- democracy Greeks. Simultaneously, a falling out between the dictator of Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union led to the Greek communists being forced to choose a side- they chose the USSR. The Greek communists lost military support from Yugoslavia thus losing the civil war.
The Division of Germany As the Soviets moved into Germany at the end of WWII, they planned the reshaping of Germany by setting up secret police & taking over the radio stations. Once the war had ended none of the allies had any intention of giving up their share of Germany. In a post- war agreement Germany was divided into four parts, one for the U.S., France, Britain and the Soviet Union.
Allies Become Enemies Berlin the capital of Germany was also divided into four parts. How did the boundary of the Berlin Wall shape post- war Germany?
Assessment Fill out the paper by matching the content with the corresponding part of the historical question.