APPROPRIATION PER PROGRAMME AND EXPENDITURE FOR 2007/08 FINAL APPROPRIATION 2007/08 ACTUAL EXPENDITURE 2007/08 EXPENDITURE AS % FINAL APPROPRIATION R’000 Administration 1,164,200 1,083,067 93.0 Services to Citizens 1,132,906 911,256 80.4 Immigration Services 609,124 632,736 103.9 Transfers to Agencies 614,668 100 Total 3,520,898 3,241,727 92.0
APPROPRIATION PER PROGRAMME AND EXPENDITURE FOR 2008/09 FINAL APPROPRIATION 2008/09 ACTUAL EXPENDITURE 2008/09 EXPENDITURE AS % FINAL APPROPRIATION R’000 Administration 1,365,380 1,365,360 100 Services to Citizens 1,258,111 1,143,893 90.9 Immigration Services 982,780 946,970 96.4 Transfers to Agencies 1,210,337 Total 4,816,608 4,666,560 96.9
APPROPRIATION PER PROGRAM AND EXPENDITURE FOR 2009/10 PROGRAMME FINAL APPROPRIATION 2009/10 PROJECTED EXPENDITURE 2009/10 EXPENDITURE AS % FINAL APPROPRIATION R’000 Administration 1,093,927 100 Services to Citizens 1,359,657 1,255,234 92.3 Immigration Services 1,498,348 Transfers to Agencies 1,311,852 Total 5,263,784 5,159,361 98.0
COMPARISON OF BUDGET ALLOCATIONS 2007/08- 2009/10 PROGRAMME BUDGET 2007/08 BUDGET 2008/09 2009/10 R’000 Administration 1,164,200 1,365,380 1,093,927 Services to Citizens 1,132,906 1,258,111 1,359,657 Immigration Services 609,124 982,780 1,498,348 Transfers to Agencies 614,668 1,210,337 1,311,852 Total 3,520,898 4,816,608 5,263,784 Percentage Increase 36,8% 9.3%
COMPARISON OF EXPENDITURE TRENDS 2007/08- 2009/10 PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE AS % FINAL APPROPRIATION 2007/08 EXPENDITURE AS % FINAL APPROPRIATION 2008/09 EXPENDITURE AS % FINAL APPROPRIATION 2009/10 R’000 Administration 93.0 100 Services to Citizens 80.4 90.9 92.3 Immigration Services 103.9 96.4 Transfers to Agencies Total 92.0 96.9 98.0 Percentage Increase 4.9% 1.1%
Overview of the 2010/11 budget in detail Presentation per standard charts of accounts (SCOA) STANDARD CHARTS OF ACCOUNT Compensation of Employees Goods and services Transfers and subsidies (1) Payment for capital assets Sub Total DHA allocation Transfer and subsidies (2) Total allocation AMOUNT R,000 1,896,203 2,096,225 4,884 139,319 4,136,631 1,582,953, 5,719,584 % BUDGET 45,84 50,67 0,12 3,37 100 Transfers and Subsidies 1 – Payment of leave gratuity officials leaving the department Transfers and Subsidies 2 – Transfers to FPB; GPW; and IEC
MTEF Budget proposals for 2010/11-2012/13 versus Approved Allocation POLICY PROPOSALS DEPARTMENT'S REQUEST APPROVED ADDITIONAL FUNDS 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 R'000 1 Organisational Structure 50,000 53,000 56,000 57,862 64,377 69,828 2 Who Am I Online (WAIO) 37,177 121,863 122,513 – 3 Information Services Infrastructure 88,000 31,417 4 Data Quality Management 15,500 5 Learning Centre 11,028 42,865 45,343 6 Outsourced Security Services 80,000 83,000 97,000 7 Accelerated Birth Registration 24,352 7,920 13,899 8 Hanis Database Increase 120,000 9 Smart ID Card 107,770 104,423 167,133 ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE - Reviewed organisational structure requires filling of additional positions over the MTEF period to enable the Department to function efficiently at optimal level. Filling of positions required dedicated funds that cannot be sourced through any other means( salary increases) WHO AM I ONLINE - The scope of the project focus mainly on the design and implementation of a new technology infrastructure and the design development and implementation of new business requested solutions which is aligned with the Turnaround Programme Strategy INFORMATION SERVICES INFRASTRUCTURE - Additional funds required for the upgrading of the following services within DHA Information Technology Services: a) DHA Network Upgrade Project - Upgrade and refresh DHA Data and Transmission Technology Infrastructure for the Wide Area Network (WAN). The upgrade of the network will improve effective carriage/transmission of business data between DHA offices and will automate business transactions conducted online and real-time. Additional funds are needed for equipment and ongoing operational costs b) Information Security - Biometric Access Control Management - Equipment and computer services to minimise fraud by providing authentication of DHA users to the mainframe and trace-ability of transactions in manner that can provide non-repudiation c) DHA Intrusion Detection and Prevention Solution (IDS/IPS) - For the design, implementation, support and maintenance of an IDS/IPS solution for the protection of all its network devices at all sites DATA QUALITY MANAGEMENT – To establish and operate a corporate methodology with a suitable technology infrastructure and linked skills to ensure that the integrity of all data in the DHA data holdings is preserved throughout the lifespan of the data. LEARNING CENTRE - Establish a learning centre that can deliver specialised, high quality development and training of DHA staff, therefore building a competent & customer-focused DHA workforce. Priorities for 2009/10 will be customer service training for Front Line staff in CS/NIB and development of accredited course for CS/NIB Outsource Security Services - to improve the overall management and control of physical security ACCELERATED BIRTH REGISTRATION - Accelerated Birth Registration - Creation of a Public awareness for the need to register births in accordance with the legal requirements through an extensive communication campaign HANIS DATABASE INCREASE - Increasing the Hanis AFIS Database to deal with displacement of people as it could not be predicted what is currently happening in terms of Zimbabwe and the world at large SMART ID CARD - Replacement of the current ID book with a more secure and appropriate identification mechanism EDMS UPGRADING - To expand access to DHA services by efficient and secure determination of status and provision of enabling documents additional funds are required for the upgrading of software, maintenance and support services and scanners PASSPORT PROJECT - Inadequate funding to pay Government Printing Works for personalised passports CHILDRENS FINGERPRINTS - Upgrading the Hanis Infrastructure to include children's fingerprints as this is a priority of DHA NATIONAL IMMIGRAION INFORMATION SYSTEM - Interface of the current Refugee System with the New Movement Control System PORT CONTROL - Funds required for Peak Season Operations; Port Control Infrastructure, Travel and shuttle costs at various Ports of Entry PORT CONTROL (APP) - Maintain/running costs of the APP system for information provided regarding all airline passengers coming into RSA. FILM AND PUBLICATION BOARD - Stakeholder and Outreach Programs; Child-Pornography Awareness in light of the 2010 FIFA Soccer World Cup; Increase Human Capacity within the Compliance Monitoring Unit through Internship; IT Capacity Enhancement; International Relations GOVERNMENT PRINTING WORKS - Printing Operations: Assets Replacement Project ELECTORAL COMMISSION - Upgrade of portable barcode scanners, Civic education
MTEF Budget proposals for 2010/11-2012/13 versus Approved Allocation Continues POLICY PROPOSALS DEPARTMENT'S REQUEST APPROVED ADDITIONAL FUNDS 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 R'000 10 EDMS Upgrading 9,000 10,000 11,000 – 11 Passport Project 151,795 345,670 429,160 12 Childrens fingerprints 26,249 52,490 47,470 13 National Immigration Information System (Refugee Affairs) 24,300 - 14 Port Control 21,000 20,000 15 Port Control – APP 96 ,000 176,000 193,000 ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE - Reviewed organisational structure requires filling of additional positions over the MTEF period to enable the Department to function efficiently at optimal level. Filling of positions required dedicated funds that cannot be sourced through any other means( salary increases) WHO AM I ONLINE - The scope of the project focus mainly on the design and implementation of a new technology infrastructure and the design development and implementation of new business requested solutions which is aligned with the Turnaround Programme Strategy INFORMATION SERVICES INFRASTRUCTURE - Additional funds required for the upgrading of the following services within DHA Information Technology Services: a) DHA Network Upgrade Project - Upgrade and refresh DHA Data and Transmission Technology Infrastructure for the Wide Area Network (WAN). The upgrade of the network will improve effective carriage/transmission of business data between DHA offices and will automate business transactions conducted online and real-time. Additional funds are needed for equipment and ongoing operational costs b) Information Security - Biometric Access Control Management - Equipment and computer services to minimise fraud by providing authentication of DHA users to the mainframe and trace-ability of transactions in manner that can provide non-repudiation c) DHA Intrusion Detection and Prevention Solution (IDS/IPS) - For the design, implementation, support and maintenance of an IDS/IPS solution for the protection of all its network devices at all sites DATA QUALITY MANAGEMENT – To establish and operate a corporate methodology with a suitable technology infrastructure and linked skills to ensure that the integrity of all data in the DHA data holdings is preserved throughout the lifespan of the data. LEARNING CENTRE - Establish a learning centre that can deliver specialised, high quality development and training of DHA staff, therefore building a competent & customer-focused DHA workforce. Priorities for 2009/10 will be customer service training for Front Line staff in CS/NIB and development of accredited course for CS/NIB Outsource Security Services - to improve the overall management and control of physical security ACCELERATED BIRTH REGISTRATION - Accelerated Birth Registration - Creation of a Public awareness for the need to register births in accordance with the legal requirements through an extensive communication campaign HANIS DATABASE INCREASE - Increasing the Hanis AFIS Database to deal with displacement of people as it could not be predicted what is currently happening in terms of Zimbabwe and the world at large SMART ID CARD - Replacement of the current ID book with a more secure and appropriate identification mechanism EDMS UPGRADING - To expand access to DHA services by efficient and secure determination of status and provision of enabling documents additional funds are required for the upgrading of software, maintenance and support services and scanners PASSPORT PROJECT - Inadequate funding to pay Government Printing Works for personalised passports CHILDRENS FINGERPRINTS - Upgrading the Hanis Infrastructure to include children's fingerprints as this is a priority of DHA NATIONAL IMMIGRAION INFORMATION SYSTEM - Interface of the current Refugee System with the New Movement Control System PORT CONTROL - Funds required for Peak Season Operations; Port Control Infrastructure, Travel and shuttle costs at various Ports of Entry PORT CONTROL (APP) - Maintain/running costs of the APP system for information provided regarding all airline passengers coming into RSA. FILM AND PUBLICATION BOARD - Stakeholder and Outreach Programs; Child-Pornography Awareness in light of the 2010 FIFA Soccer World Cup; Increase Human Capacity within the Compliance Monitoring Unit through Internship; IT Capacity Enhancement; International Relations GOVERNMENT PRINTING WORKS - Printing Operations: Assets Replacement Project ELECTORAL COMMISSION - Upgrade of portable barcode scanners, Civic education
MTEF Budget proposals for 2010/11-2012/13 versus Approved Allocation Continues POLICY PROPOSALS DEPARTMENT'S REQUEST APPROVED ADDITIONAL FUNDS 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 R'000 16 Film and Publication Board 23,000 973 1,226 1,311 17 Government Printing Works 146,500 85,000 111,200 4,528 5,705 6,101 18 Electoral Commission 457,200 49,300 50,600 160,909 9,428 10,082 TOTAL 1,488,871 1,221,448 1,434,235 224,272 80,736 87,322 ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE - Reviewed organisational structure requires filling of additional positions over the MTEF period to enable the Department to function efficiently at optimal level. Filling of positions required dedicated funds that cannot be sourced through any other means( salary increases) WHO AM I ONLINE - The scope of the project focus mainly on the design and implementation of a new technology infrastructure and the design development and implementation of new business requested solutions which is aligned with the Turnaround Programme Strategy INFORMATION SERVICES INFRASTRUCTURE - Additional funds required for the upgrading of the following services within DHA Information Technology Services: a) DHA Network Upgrade Project - Upgrade and refresh DHA Data and Transmission Technology Infrastructure for the Wide Area Network (WAN). The upgrade of the network will improve effective carriage/transmission of business data between DHA offices and will automate business transactions conducted online and real-time. Additional funds are needed for equipment and ongoing operational costs b) Information Security - Biometric Access Control Management - Equipment and computer services to minimise fraud by providing authentication of DHA users to the mainframe and trace-ability of transactions in manner that can provide non-repudiation c) DHA Intrusion Detection and Prevention Solution (IDS/IPS) - For the design, implementation, support and maintenance of an IDS/IPS solution for the protection of all its network devices at all sites DATA QUALITY MANAGEMENT – To establish and operate a corporate methodology with a suitable technology infrastructure and linked skills to ensure that the integrity of all data in the DHA data holdings is preserved throughout the lifespan of the data. LEARNING CENTRE - Establish a learning centre that can deliver specialised, high quality development and training of DHA staff, therefore building a competent & customer-focused DHA workforce. Priorities for 2009/10 will be customer service training for Front Line staff in CS/NIB and development of accredited course for CS/NIB Outsource Security Services - to improve the overall management and control of physical security ACCELERATED BIRTH REGISTRATION - Accelerated Birth Registration - Creation of a Public awareness for the need to register births in accordance with the legal requirements through an extensive communication campaign HANIS DATABASE INCREASE - Increasing the Hanis AFIS Database to deal with displacement of people as it could not be predicted what is currently happening in terms of Zimbabwe and the world at large SMART ID CARD - Replacement of the current ID book with a more secure and appropriate identification mechanism EDMS UPGRADING - To expand access to DHA services by efficient and secure determination of status and provision of enabling documents additional funds are required for the upgrading of software, maintenance and support services and scanners PASSPORT PROJECT - Inadequate funding to pay Government Printing Works for personalised passports CHILDRENS FINGERPRINTS - Upgrading the Hanis Infrastructure to include children's fingerprints as this is a priority of DHA NATIONAL IMMIGRAION INFORMATION SYSTEM - Interface of the current Refugee System with the New Movement Control System PORT CONTROL - Funds required for Peak Season Operations; Port Control Infrastructure, Travel and shuttle costs at various Ports of Entry PORT CONTROL (APP) - Maintain/running costs of the APP system for information provided regarding all airline passengers coming into RSA. FILM AND PUBLICATION BOARD - Stakeholder and Outreach Programs; Child-Pornography Awareness in light of the 2010 FIFA Soccer World Cup; Increase Human Capacity within the Compliance Monitoring Unit through Internship; IT Capacity Enhancement; International Relations GOVERNMENT PRINTING WORKS - Printing Operations: Assets Replacement Project ELECTORAL COMMISSION - Upgrade of portable barcode scanners, Civic education
DHA BUDGET ALLOCATION OVER THE MTEF PERIOD DESCRIPTION ALLOCATION 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 R’000 Baseline Amount 5,580,823 5,006,979 5,121,890 Additional Funds 224,002 80,736 97,322 Reductions (85,242) (84,195) (64,366) Total 5,719,584 5,003,520 5,144,846 % increase/(decrease) 8.7% (14.3%) 2.8%
MTEF ALLOCATION PER PROGRAMME 2009/10 2010/11 % INCREASE/ (DECREASE) Administration 1,093,927 1,470,926 0.3% Services to Citizens 1,359,657 1,446,011 6.4% Immigration Services 1,498,348 1,219,694 (22.8%) Transfers to Agencies 1,311,852 1,582,953 20.7% Total 5,263,784 5,719,584 8.7%
MTEF ALLOCATION PER ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION 2009/10 2010/11 % INCREASE/ (DECREASE) Compensation of Employees 1,659,064 1,896,203 14.3% Goods and Services 2,054,841 2,096,225 2.0% Transfers and Subsidies 1,316,459 1,587,837 20.6% Payment for Capital Assets 233,420 139,319 (67.5%) Total 5,263,784 5,719,584 8.7%
DETAILED BUDGET SPLIT 2010/11 Analysis of allocation in terms of Spending areas Amount % Budget Compensation of Employees 1,896,203 33.1 Transfers and Subsidies 1,587,837 27.8 Capital Assets 139,319 2.4 Goods and Services 2,096,225 36.6 Devolution of Funds 140,784 Who Am I Online ( WAIO) 394,250 IT Projects 164,624 Special Projects 221,108
DETAILED BUDGET SPLIT FOR 2010/11 FINANCIAL YEAR Analysis of allocation in terms of Spending areas Amount % Budget Office Accommodation 101,501 2010 Project 119,446 Operational Cost 954,512 Administration - 359,764 Services to Citizens- 272,699 Immigration Services- 322,049 TOTAL 5,719,584 100%
CAPITAL BUDGET 2010/11 IT Projects 57,083 Special Projects 28,498 Security Services 27,357 Government Motor Transport 23,281 Logis Implementation 3,100 TOTAL 139,319
Breakdown of Information Technology Projects IT Projects 2010/11 CURRENT ‘000 2010/11 CAPITAL 2010/11 TOTAL ,000 Information Service Infrastructure 45,917 42,083 88,000 Refugee Systems 11,208 System Realignment and Enhancement 15,114 Identification Infrastructure 66,726 Hanis Disaster Recovery System 25,659 15,000 40,659 164,624 57,083 221,707
Breakdown of Special Projects 2010/11 CURRENT ‘000 2010/11 CAPITAL 2010/11 TOTAL ,000 EDMS 3,108 3,191 Data Quality Management 19,000 National Campaign (LRB) 70,000 Transformation 10,000 Learning Centre Live Capture 17,500 Electronic Q Management System 5,000 Passport 90,000 Front Office Improvements 17498 Stakeholder Forum 1,500 Telephone system 6,000 221,108 28,498 249,606
Breakdown of Office Accommodation Projects 2010/11 CURRENT ‘000 2010/11 CAPITAL 2010/11 TOTAL ,000 Centre of Excellence 22,000 - Refurbishment of offices 25,000 Head Office Accommodation 20,194 Leases 34,307 101,501
Breakdown of 2010 Projects 2010 Projects 2010/11 CURRENT ‘000 2010/11 CAPITAL 2010/11 TOTAL ,000 Volunteer Program 2,500 - Mission Coverage 22,746 Communication Outreach 10,100 On Board Clearance 11,100 Joint Border Clearance 62,000 Airline Liaison Officer 5,000 Operations Centre 6,000 119,446 0.00
REVENUE COLLECTION 2007 TO 2009/10 PROGRAMME 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 Sales of goods and services produced by department 369,460 304,891 415 126 Sales of scrap, waste, arms and other used current goods 12 13 Fines, penalties and forfeits 28,788 17 094 14 164 Interest, dividends and rent on land 1,783 608 199 Transactions in financial assets and liabilities 21,080 33 067 Total 421 123 355 673 429 489
ESTIMATED REVENUE COLLECTION PROGRAMME 2010/11 2011/12 2012/2013 Sales of goods and services produced by department 440,031 466,436 489,758 Fines, penalties and forfeits 15,014 15,915 16,711 Interest, dividends and rent on land 211 224 235 Total 455,256 482,575 506,704
WAY FORWARD Realignment of Departmental Planning Process Re-organisation of Allocation of Budget to support the following: Head Office Centre for Policy Development and Coordination Provinces Centers of Service Delivery Develop a guide line for splitting Budget between Personnel, Opex and Capex Review of Tariffs