Creating A Business Card Georgia CTAE Resource Network Instructional Resources Office Written by: Alyson Pittman July 2009
Objectives Students will be able to identify and label the parts of a typical professional business card. Students will be able to identify examples of supplementary information that is often included on the backside of professional business cards. Students will create their own business cards using the five key parts of a business card.
The Importance of a Business Card Business Cards are often considered to be the strongest marketing tool for a company. Business cards should be attractive, professional, and well-organized.
Parts of A Business Card Name Company Affiliation or Employer Contact Information Company or Employer’s general contact information Visual Design
Parts of A Business Card… continued NAME
Parts of A Business Card… continued Company Affiliation or Employer
Parts of A Business Card… continued Contact Information
Parts of A Business Card… continued Employer’s General Contact Information
Parts of A Business Card… continued Visual Design
Supplementary Information Many business cards also utilize the backside of the card to provide additional information. Some examples of supplementary information include:
The Mission Statement of the Individual or Employer
A “Sorry I missed you!” Notice
A List of Services Provided
Summary Business cards are a useful and powerful marketing tool. Business cards provide contact information to make business and professional contacts easier. Business cards typically include the five key parts on the front and any relevant supplementary information on the back.