QUANTOCK MEDICAL CENTRE Next Of Kin Details Please remember to let us know who your next of kin is and how we can contact them in an emergency if required. Test Results We will only contact you if your results require further investigation or you require an appointment with the GP to discuss the results further. However you can contact reception for your results after 2pm. Patient Participation Group (PPG) We have a Practice PPG, which meets bi-monthly to discuss how we can improve things at the Practice to provide better care and services for our patients. If you would like to join the PPG or leave any comments for the group, please leave your details at reception for the Practice Manager or leave a note in the Patient Participation box to the right of reception. Complaints and Compliments If you are unhappy with any aspect of your care, please tell us in writing or verbally. Contact the Practice Manager. If your complaint is about any other aspect of your health care please contact the NHS Patient Advisory & Liaison Service (PALS) at : pals@somerset.nhs.uk, or Freepost RRKL-XXSC-ACSG, Yeovil. BA22 8HR. Tel: 0800 0851 067 Medical Records/Medical Examinations & Reports To view information in your medical record you will need to make an appointment with your registered Doctor. With your GPs consent you may see any notes made since November 1991 and or have a copy made of those records. There may be a charge for this. Please contact the Practice Manager to request this. Some Medical Reports and examinations are not covered by the NHS and a charge will be requested. Please ask for further details. Patient Confidentiality and Data Protection We ask you for your personal information so that you can receive appropriate care and treatment. This information is recorded on computer and we are registered under the Data Protection Act 1998. The Practice will ensure that patient confidentiality is maintained at all times by all members of the practice team. If you have any concerns about confidentiality, please contact the Practice Manager. QUANTOCK MEDICAL CENTRE PRACTICE INFORMATION Website: www.quantockmedicalcentre.gpsurgery.net OPENING TIMES The Medical Centre phone line is open Monday to Friday 8.00am until 6.30pm 01278 732696 Saturday’s 8.30am until 10.00am APPOINTMENT TIMES All appointments are 10 – 15 minutes, please ask if you need more time with the Doctor. Please note appointment times vary depending on the practitioner. We offer Morning and afternoon appointments 5 days a week. BRANCH SURGERY We have a branch surgery on Mondays and Fridays from 11.30 am held in the Common Room, St Audries Close, Stogursey. These are drop in clinics, you do not need to book an appointment in advance. PATIENT ONLINE ACCESS We offer online access for repeat medication requests, appointment booking and viewing of your summary records, via the ‘Patient Access’ www.patient.co.uk, If you need a password or more information please contact dispensary or reception for further details. OUT OF HOURS SERVICES (between 6.30 pm and 8.00 am, weekends and bank holidays) please telephone NHS 111. The care of patients outside normal surgery hours is intended for emergencies only, please do not call if your problem can wait until the next working day. If you or a member of your family become critically ill and need immediate medical treatment, you must telephone 999 and ask for an ambulance. NAMED GP All our patients are allocated a named GP, if you are unsure of whom your allocated GP is, or wish to change your allocated GP please contact reception.
DISPENSARY We are not able to offer dispensing service to patients who live within one mile of a local Pharmacy. The Practice Dispensary is open MONDAY to FRIDAY from: 9.00am until 11.30am and 3.00pm until 6.00pm for collections. Repeat Prescription Requests The Dispensary requires 2 full working days notice for ordering of repeat prescriptions. Requests for repeat prescriptions can be made by calling in person or by telephoning the dispensary on: 01278 733385 between 9.00am and 10.00am and 3.00pm and 5.00pm, or Emailing: quantock.mc@nhs.net also via Patient Access please ask a receptionist or dispenser for your individual log in details. YOUR PRACTICE TEAM Doctors: Dr Christopher Stone (Mon, Tue, Thur & Fri) Dr Didi Klein (Mon,Tue, Wed & Fri) Practice Manager: Helen Stacey, has responsibility for the day to day running of the practice as a whole. If you have any concerns or constructive comments about the practice please contact Helen at the practice or by email Helen.stacey2@nhs.net Receptionists: Kate Lyness, Sue Monro, Toni Fooks Secretary & Support: Janet Vickery, Marion Maddison, Delia Brandwood Dispensers: Loretta Bowditch, Jan Thompson, Helen Piper, Lyndsey Vowles, Jane Erskine Counsellor: Lorraine Hurley Practice Nurses: Helen Every (Lead Nurse), Anna Larsen, Jacqui Gailey Health Care Assistants: Carolyn Arrigoni, Katharine Jones Our Practice Nurses are available by appointment, and they can help with: Health Screening for new patients, removal of stitches, Blood test, Infant and adult immunisations, Holiday vaccination advice, Cervical Smears, Dressings, Ear Syringing, Respiratory Disease Management, Diabetes Management, Warfarin Testing, Support for Weight Management. District Nurse Team: 0300 323 0021 email: BridgwaterBayDNs@sompar.nhs.uk The District Nurse Team provide home-based care to those patients with serious illness or disability, in addition to ongoing support to patients and their carers. They visit patients for care following hospital treatment and during acute illness. Community Midwife: Every other Thursday Morning Midwives are available for antenatal and early postnatal care. They provide advice on all aspects of maternity care. Contact via Fern Ward at Musgrove Hospital Taunton 01823 342571 or Labour ward 01823 343059, Mary Stanley Unit Bridgwater 01278 436774. Carer Support Workers: Contact Somerset Carer Support Services 0800 31 68 600 email carers@someretrcc.org.uk www.somersetcarers.org who are able to provide information, advice and support to anyone who has caring responsibilities, whether for a friend, relative or neighbour. This includes parents of children with disabilities. Health Visitor: Duty Line 0300 323 0116 for Bridgwater team or 01984 633427 for Williton Team Health Visitors are able to offer advice on health care for children – 4 years. Their knowledge is extensive and they are here to talk to you about ways of staying well and can help you find the services you need. Mother and Baby Clinic: 1st Tuesday of the month 10am –11.00am at the Nether Stowey Children’s Centre (by the Nether Stowey School Mill Lane). And 2nd & 4th Wednesday of the month at the Cannington Health Centre Podiatry Clinic: (& Toenail cutting) Wednesdays by appointment only Telephone Stop Smoking Service: Contact NHS Smoking Helpline 7am – 11pm 0800 169 0 169 or textphone 0800 169 0 171 Somerset NHS Stop Smoking Service 0303 033 9840