Manheim Central high school Add the name of your department Mathematics Department Course Scope & Sequence
Post Secondary Opportunities Math after High School is not just for Math teachers! Various occupations use mathematics: Mathematician Statistician Accountant Computer Programmer Doctor Engineer Investment Manager Government Research Small Business Owner Construction/Carpenter Medical Careers Appraiser Welder Beautician Architect Chef Give examples of careers and the pathway of courses that would be needed to pursue those.
Department Overview Scope & Sequence Level 9th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade Honors Honors Geometry Honors Pre-Calculus Advanced Placement Calculus AB Advanced Placement Calculus BC Advanced Placement Statistics Level 1 Algebra I Algebra II Geometry Calculus Statistics Level 2 Algebra I Part 1 Algebra I Part 2 Informal Algebra II Informal Geometry Informal Algebra II Consumer/Business Math Explanation of the department progressions of courses and possible elective options. **30 seconds per grade level**
9th Grade Course Offerings Level 9th Grade Honors Honors Geometry Level 1 Algebra I Algebra II Geometry Level 2 Algebra I Part 1 Explanation of the department progressions of courses and possible elective options. **30 seconds per grade level**
10th Grade Course Offerings Level 10th Grade Honors Honors Pre-Calculus Level 1 Algebra II Geometry Pre-Calculus Level 2 Algebra I Part 2 Informal Algebra II Explanation of the department progressions of courses and possible elective options. **30 seconds per grade level**
11th Grade Course Offerings * 11th Grade Course Offerings Level 11th Grade Honors Advanced Placement Calculus AB Advanced Placement Calculus BC Advanced Placement Statistics Level 1 Geometry Pre-Calculus Calculus Statistics Level 2 Informal Geometry Explanation of the department progressions of courses and possible elective options. **30 seconds per grade level**
12th Grade Course Offerings * 12th Grade Course Offerings Level 12th Grade Honors Advanced Placement Calculus AB Advanced Placement Calculus BC Advanced Placement Statistics Level 1 Pre-Calculus Calculus Statistics Level 2 Informal Algebra II Consumer/Business Math Explanation of the department progressions of courses and possible elective options. **30 seconds per grade level**