Social Studies 7th Grade Gaynelle Dicks Interrelated teacher Tuning December 2018
Standards and Objectives SS7H1 History of Africa SS7G1 Locate selected features of Africa. SS7G2 Explain environmental issues across the continent of Africa. SS7G3 Explain the impact of location, climate, and physical characteristics on population distribution in Africa. SS7G4 Analyze the diverse cultural characteristics of the people who live in Africa. SS7CG1 Compare and contrast different forms of citizen participation in government. SS7E1 Analyze different economic systems.
Extended Learning Africa is a land of incredible diversity in the ethnic groups and religious groups of its people. How do you think this affects the people who live there? Use context clues and pictures to define words listed in the Chapter 8 World Studies: Clairmont Press View and analyze images: Record 10 major ideas discussed in article. Quizziz Test- Thursday 25 questions-The People of Africa
Work Define ethnic group and give 3 examples in Africa Make chart identifying compare and contrast each ethnic group: Bantu, Arabs, and Swahili Where do they live? What are the main religions practiced by each? Identify the main religion practiced in Africa? Make chart, Venn diagram, Acrostic, complete map: Geography of Africa Section 1 The People of Africa Section 2, Overview of African History Section 3 -use textbook online, view images complete photography analysis, complete workbook, write summary, list and discuss 5 key ideas from images