Energy and Magnetic Fields Mar 6 / 7 Act D 65 A Energy and Magnetic Fields LEARNING TARGET: I can diagram the magnetic field of a magnet to describe the changes in potential energy due to a magnet’s position. CH Q What are the properties of magnetic fields? VOCAB: Field electromagnetism area where objects can interact without touching (gravity, magnetic, electromagnetic) magnetic fields making electricity (and electricity making magnetic fields)
DISCUSSION What are noncontact forces? non-touching interactions that decrease with distance
(THEY LOSE THEIR MAGNETISM) PROCEDURE AND DATA MATERIALS: PROCEDURE: Read on pg. D 71-73 and summarize DATA: Notes in journal - drawings of magnetic fields on graph paper DO NOT DROP MAGNETS !! (THEY LOSE THEIR MAGNETISM)
debrief example
POST DISCUSISON 1. What are fields? Silently read pgs. D74-75
1. Compare and contrast the 3 types of fields. POST DISCUSISON RDG. 1. Compare and contrast the 3 types of fields. gravity = jump up, pulled down magnetic = opposite poles attract (pull) electric = opposite charges attract (static electricity) 2. If a field is present there is also a force because... of the noncontact interaction happening
magnets pull more as they get closer POST DISCUSISON RDG. 3. Explain how a field gets stronger as the distance from the source decreases. magnets pull more as they get closer 4. Explain the directional properties of fields. up / down north / south positive / negative
ANALYSIS - Discuss and answer Q 2 & 3 on pg. D 75 ANS CH Q What are the properties of magnetic fields? A: Properties of magnetic fields are: 1. there are two poles 2. opposites attract – like repels 3. field strength decreases with distance HOMEWORK Catch up on Journals – Complete Analysis Q’s