Paul returns to Damascus after Saul Begins His Ministry THREE YEARS IN ARABIA (It is around 42 AD) Saul Begins His Ministry • vs20-25
A After the discipleship period, it is essential that the new Christian start preaching the Word of Jesus being “the Christ, the Son of the living God”
B When Saul began to preach, it stirred up much commentary, for he previously was known as the one responsible for hunting down Christians and persecuting them instead of befriending them.
C It is important to remember that Saul was dealing with Jews who opposed him on a religious and philosophical basis.
Saul Goes to Jerusalem and Meets the Apostles • vs26-31
D It was time for Saul to meet “the disciples” in Jerusalem, but when he tried to “join himself to the disciples,” they were too afraid because of his reputation.
E Paul’s recap of this section is found in Galatians 1:13-24
F “Barnabas” already knew Saul and “brought him to the apostles,” telling them of Saul’s conversion and how “he had preached boldly at Damascus in the name of Jesus.”
Saul goes to (regions of Syria) Caesara to Taursus G Since Saul was the one primarily responsible for the persecution of the churches at this time because of his zeal and boldness as a Pharisee, once he was taken out of the way in spite of his conversion, “the churches had rest...edified...multiplied.”
Raises Dorcas from the Dead Peter Heals Aeneas and Raises Dorcas from the Dead • vs32-43 F With the conversion of Saul complete, we see the last miracles performed by Peter recorded.