Best Conductor Johnny Ren
Problem/Question Which metal is the best conductor of electricity?
Background I chose this experiment because I really like electricity.I think it would be fun to do this experiment.
Hypothesis If I use Copper,Aluminum and Nickel and run electric through it,then Nickel would conduct more electric.
Variables Independent: Type of metal Dependent: Power of Electric Constant: Length of wire,volume of metal,Type of battery
Materials A multimeter, wires, AA batteries, aluminum, copper, nickel, tape.
Procedure 1.)Gather material 2.)Tape a wire to the positive end of the battery 3.)Tape wires to a piece of metal, then tape another wire to the metal and connect it to the multimeter 4.)Now from the multimeter connect the negative end of the multimeter to the negative end of the battery 5.)Turn the multimeter to #10 with this symbol (==DC) 6.)Take measurement on multimeter 7.)Repeat steps 2-6 with different metals
Diagram of circuit Metal + - Multi- meter
Conclusion After the experiment I found that the voltage was the same,so I believe my experiment proves that conductivity might not affect the voltage or maybe the multimeter is not accurate enough to show different.If I were to do this experiment again I would find a more accurate multimeter.