Smith Amos B 3rd; Cox Jason M; Furuichi Noriyuki; Kenesky Craig S; Zheng Junying; Atasoylu Onur; Wuest William M Total synthesis of (-)-2-epi-peloruside A. Organic letters (2008), 10(24), 5501-4.
BPS = tert-butyldiphenylsilyl
Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons Olefination Mechanism
Stereochemical Outcome of HWE reaction Usually favors formation of E-alkene However…. Still and Gennari found that Z-alkenes could be produced if the highly electron withdrawing trifluoroethylphosphonate is used as shown below.
SEMCl = trimethysilylethoxymethyl chloride
Brook Rearrangement