Required Procedures for Notebooks, Readings, & Lectures
Your Notebook Your notebook is THE place for notes, handouts, daily work, writing assignments and so forth. DO NOT USE YOUR TEXT FOR STORAGE OF ANY PAPERS. THE ONLY MATERIAL THAT CAN BE PLACED IN YOUR TEXT IS POST-IT NOTES!!!!!
Notebook (7 Sections) Course Overview and “How-To” Documents Unit 1 - Foundations (8000 BCE – 600 CE) Unit 2 – Regional Interaction and Exchange (600 CE – 1450 CE) Unit 3 – Global Interaction and Exchange (1450 CE – 1750 CE) Unit 4 – The Age of Revolutions and Empire (1750 CE - 1914 CE) Unit 5 – The World Today (1914 CE - the present) Unit 6 –AP Exam Preparation
Note-taking for Lectures Pitfalls Blah, blah, blah when is this class over? Lunch - why do I have B lunch? I am hungry! The Good Stuff Don’t write down every word you hear Write down only important points Always review what you have written before the next class Review, Review, Review your notes!
Your Textbook Textbooks are an invaluable source of information. Traditionally, most texts were “dry” and difficult to read. Today, texts have been adapted with the reader in mind and most are truly colorful works of art.
How to Read in AP World History
How do you read for information?
Managing Reading Time Create an effective reading area DO NOT lay down while reading Small portions of time Use a timer Start by reading in sessions of maybe 5 or 10 minutes each Gradually increase each session. “Vacation Sheet” Have a sheet of paper next to you Random thoughts? Things to do? --write down on paper At end of reading, take quick “vacation”
Steps for Reading Your AP World Textbook Read teacher-created materials Objectives, PowerPoints, Summaries This gives you an overview of what you need to learn Put ID’s on Index Cards or on the ID Sheet The ID’s are people/events/terms that you must know 3. Preview the text by skimming (5 minutes) Read only section headings, subheadings, graphics, and chapter summary Quiz yourself at the end of the chapter – “What am I about to learn?”
Steps for Reading Your AP World Textbook (cont.) 4. Speed-read the Chapter (10 Minutes) Move index finger, pencil, or index card down middle of reading Let eyes follow it down the reading, identifying major themes/ideas Quiz yourself at the end of every major section, trying to fill in the story of the text using closure 5. Actively “Read” the Chapter (? Minutes) Scan each paragraph and then quiz yourself by trying to summarize each paragraph in one-two sentences Ask questions and create hypotheses as you scan Fill in your ID’s and Graphic Organizers as you scan