Web Programming Ben Blanc COMP 1231 Web Programming Ben Blanc
Week 1 Introduction
My Schedule
Testing Policy Must complete evaluation the assigned day. If unable, students required to notify prof at least three days (72 hours) prior to the date, so alternative arrangements can be made. Failure to comply with this policy may result in a zero grade.
Assignment Policy All assignments must be submitted on the due date based on an instruction given by the professor. Late assignment, will be penalized 20% per day to maximum of 5 days, weekend included unless the student has notified the professor
Evaluations Students are responsible for making sure their marks are up to date on the blackboard. No mark will change after two weeks from the time marks were posted on Blackboard. I will send out notification via GB email that marks are posting. Two weeks start from then.
Who Marks What Lecturer Lab Instructor Quizzes Mid Term Final Exam Lab Test Lab Exercises Assignment
Where to Find Marks Class Material On BlackBoard GB Learn site ->Code Sample -> Code Repository -> Click here to view the code repository for comp1231 (Winter 2017) http://comp1231.gblearn.com/2017/winter/ben
Where to Upload/Submit Onto your GB Learn account lab exercises, lab tests, assignment All .html files should have validation script http://gblearn.com/courses/comp1231/validation-script/
Watch Videos GB Learn Lynda http://gblearn.com/courses/comp1231/category/videos/ Lynda http://www.georgebrown.ca/llc/lynda/
Review Start Up Info/Guide http://gblearn.com/courses/comp1231/startup-information-and-guidelines/
Ready for Course Content? Let’s Begin
To Program is JS Add “<script></script>” to .html page Type JS code inbetween opening and closing script tags Save JS code with .js extension and import JS code by <script src=“path_to_js_file”></script>
JS Identifier
JS Comments
Window Object Common window methods window.open() Window.close() Returns window object reference to new window or null Window.close() Window.alert() Window.prompt() Returns string value or null if cancelled Window.confirm() Returns boolean true if “OK”, false otherwise
Document object Common methods Write() getElementById() Document Object is descendent of window object
Task Create a script that opens a new window then has an alert on it. When creating these scripts, just open a file, type in the <script>, </script> tags, and start coding NOTE: need to allow pop-ups