Christian Hackmann and Evert Nord AM-Demodulator Outline: Christian Hackmann and Evert Nord proudly presents: Introduction Requirements Band-pass Low-pass Threshold VHDL-Design Matlab Results The ”AM-Demodulator”
AM-Demodulator Outline: Introduction Requirements Band-pass Low-pass Threshold VHDL-Design Matlab Results
AM-Demodulator Outline: A threshold-value should be controlled from a micro-controller This requires a Wishbone-interface Everything should be implemented on a FPGA It should work with a minimum frequency of 100 MHz It should handle the bitrates: 10 kBits/sec. 40 kBits/sec. 80 kBits/sec. Outline: Introduction Requirements Band-pass Low-pass Threshold VHDL-Design Matlab Results
AM-Demodulator Outline: Introduction Requirements Band-pass Low-pass Threshold VHDL-Design Matlab Results To get the right signal FIR-filter 3:rd order fcenter = 13 MHz fcutoff1,2 = 13 MHz ± 0,2 MHz
AM-Demodulator Outline: Introduction Requirements Band-pass Low-pass Threshold VHDL-Design Matlab Results For smoothing out the signal Moving average FIFO-register Size 8
AM-Demodulator Outline: Introduction Requirements Band-pass Low-pass Threshold VHDL-Design Matlab Results To decide if the signal is a 0 or 1
AM-Demodulator Outline: Introduction Requirements Band-pass Low-pass Threshold VHDL-Design Matlab Results The Toplevel design has: 8-Bit parallel input 1-Bit serial output communication with a microcontroller
AM-Demodulator Outline: Introduction Requirements Band-pass Low-pass Threshold VHDL-Design Matlab Results Simulation with Matlab GUI for comfortable testing Good help for VHDL-modelling
AM-Demodulator Outline: Coefficients from Matlab Transformed into fixed point (17-Bits) For each tap one coefficient is multiplied with the 8-Bit input Adding each tap to the output Outline: Introduction Requirements Band-pass Low-pass Threshold VHDL-Design Matlab Results
AM-Demodulator Outline: Introduction Requirements Band-pass Low-pass Threshold VHDL-Design Matlab Results Pushes the input-signal through a register The input is added to the sum of the content of the register and the last element is substracted Getting the average by dividing with the register size
AM-Demodulator Outline: Introduction Requirements Band-pass Low-pass Threshold VHDL-Design Matlab Results The average is just compared with a threshold value Serial output
AM-Demodulator Outline: Introduction Requirements Band-pass Low-pass Threshold VHDL-Design Matlab Results Successful verification of the design with Modelsim and Xilinx Project Navigator The maximum design frequency is 101.471 MHz Wishbone interface is implemented in design
Thank YOU for listening!!! AM-Demodulator Thank YOU for listening!!! Questions are Welcome! Evert & Christian