Science - Year 3/4B Summer 1 Animals including humans The Circle of Life Session 6 Game PowerPoint © Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. We refer you to our warning, at the foot of the block overview, about links to other websites.
This is a team game called Closing the Circle On each slide you will see 6 numbered pictures. 2 of them will be on the team of creatures and organisms that close the circle and help to return all the nutrients back to the soil, but the other 4 will not. Creatures on the team that close the circle could be scavengers who tear up and eat the carcasses of dead animals, or decomposers (creatures and organisms that breakdown matter that was once alive). Your task is to close the circle by holding up the correct 2 numbers. If you are right you win points as follows: One point for one correctly identified decomposer Three points for spotting them both Your teacher will give your team a cube for each point you win. The team with the most points at the end, wins the game! Good Luck!
I am called a carrion crow. I feed off the flesh of dead animals 1 2 3 I am a herring gull. I am a scavenger which means I eat just about anything including dead animals. 4 5 6 I am called a carrion crow. I feed off the flesh of dead animals
1 2 3 I love to feed off all kinds of rotting material – plants and animals that were once alive. 4 5 6 We are maggots – the larvae stage from the life cycle of a fly. We love to feed off dead animals
1 2 3 4 5 6 I am a woodlouse and I live off decaying leaves and rotting wood on the forest floor I am a type of fungus that grows on dead wood. I help to break it down
I am an earthworm. I digest decaying plant matter in the soil too 1 2 3 I am an earthworm. I digest decaying plant matter in the soil too I am a centipede and I feed off decaying plant matter in the soil 4 5 6
We are a fungus and we break down plants that are dead 1 2 3 We are a fungus and we break down plants that are dead 4 5 6 We are bacteria. We are tiny micro-organisms that live everywhere and we are very important decomposers
1 2 3 I am a snail and along with my friends the slugs, I help to break down lots of dead material and recycle the nutrients back to the soil. 4 5 6 I am mould growing on bread. I am a type of fungus and I am a very important decomposer
Moulds and other types of fungus Scavengers Bacteria End of Game! Congratulations to the winning team! But actually, everyone’s a winner because you have all become experts in the nature’s incredible Recycling Team! The huge team of invertebrates that feed off dead remains of plants and animals Moulds and other types of fungus