CS533 Concepts of Operating Systems Class 18 File Systems
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems Questions What factors would influence the optimum block size for a file system? Why has disk workload become write-dominated? What would be the disk workload if memory was free? What “two” functions does the buffer-cache serve? CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems Questions Why does read-optimized block placement perform very poorly for a write-dominated workload? How should free space be managed for a read-dominated workload? How should free space be managed for a write-dominated workload? CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems
CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems Questions What impact will the current rapid increase in disk capacity and decrease in cost per Mbyte have? What if disk space was free? With intelligent disk controllers should the file system manage placement at all? What issues should concern a file system designer, beyond performance? CS533 - Concepts of Operating Systems