* facebook Eastern Christendom Tweets Wall Photos Flair Boxes John F. Kennedy Logout Eastern Christendom @Justinian’s Byzantium is trying to look as much like the actual Twitter as possible. Feel free to add #hashtags and hyperlinks in this area. Philadelphia, PA http://educationismylife.com/ 335 TWEETS 988 FOLLOWING 1,256 FOLLOWERS Tweets Following Followers Favorites Lists Recent Images Tweets Example Twitter Name @exampletwittername Life is like a box of chocolates… @tomhanks #forrestgump Expand Example Twitter Name @exampletwittername I’m wondering if the Eagles will ever win the Superbowl. Probably not. Expand Example Twitter Name @exampletwittername This is really exciting. Better than expected and better than advertised. In fact, I’ll take the whole thing to go. #hungry Expand @ Fake Twitter About Help Terms Privacy Blog Status Apps Resources Jobs Advertisers Businesses Media Developers Example Twitter Name @exampletwittername If you think fun and education can’t exist together, then I think you don’t have a very good idea of either @randypausch #wemissyou Expand Example Twitter Name @exampletwittername This is an example of an expanded tweet. 2 1 RETWEETS FAVORITE *
* facebook Western Christendom Tweets Wall Photos Flair Boxes John F. Kennedy Logout Western Christendom @Charlemagne's Holy Roman Empire is trying to look as much like the actual Twitter as possible. Feel free to add #hashtags and hyperlinks in this area. Philadelphia, PA http://educationismylife.com/ 335 TWEETS 988 FOLLOWING 1,256 FOLLOWERS Tweets Following Followers Favorites Lists Recent Images Tweets Example Twitter Name @exampletwittername Life is like a box of chocolates… @tomhanks #forrestgump Expand Example Twitter Name @exampletwittername I’m wondering if the Eagles will ever win the Superbowl. Probably not. Expand Example Twitter Name @exampletwittername This is really exciting. Better than expected and better than advertised. In fact, I’ll take the whole thing to go. #hungry Expand @ Fake Twitter About Help Terms Privacy Blog Status Apps Resources Jobs Advertisers Businesses Media Developers Example Twitter Name @exampletwittername If you think fun and education can’t exist together, then I think you don’t have a very good idea of either @randypausch #wemissyou Expand Example Twitter Name @exampletwittername This is an example of an expanded tweet. 2 1 RETWEETS FAVORITE *