Cooking Project 3 Erik Chevrier Food and Culture Cooking Project 3 Erik Chevrier
Cooking Project Part 3 – November 28th What is the recipe of your food item? Please list the ingredients and write about the process of preparing your food item. Where should Concordia students acquire the ingredients in the most ethical way? You can take into consideration: price, labour conditions (i.e. fair trade), environmental footprint, local vs global, coops/non profits vs multinational corporations, health factors (i.e. reduced sugar), shopping convenience, etc. For this paper, you will write a recipe for a typical Concordia student. You will list your ingredients and discuss the preparation process – including where to obtain the ingredients. A strong paper will entice people to avoid negative consequences and enhance positive consequences of your food item. It will also compare and contrast pros and cons of obtaining ingredients from a variety of locations. Your research will not focus on academic sources as much as comparisons from actual stores. You will not be penalized if you provide academic sources, in fact, it is still highly encouraged.
Grading 2 points = Clarity of recipe and process of preparing food item (including obtaining ingredients) 2 points = Information – comparison of ingredients from different stores 1 point = Structure – proper voicing (do not over paraphrase) – respects page limit 1 point = Formatting and grammar Total = 6 points Should be no more than 3 pages Your audience is a typical Concordia student