Decoding sounds/blends/words two
Consonant blends Consonant blends (also called consonant clusters) are groups of two or three consonants in words that makes a distinct consonant sound, such as "bl" or "spl."
Each letter within the blend is pronounced individually, but quickly, so they blend together.
Initial Consonant Blends Bl cl fl black claim flag blame class flame blanket clay flat blast clean float blaze climb flood blind clock floor Block close flower blood clothes fly Take one word from each column, put the three words into a sentence that makes sense. Be prepared to share.
Gl pl sl glad place slam Glasses plan slap glider plant sleep glitter play sleeve Glitzy plaza slice globe please slip Gloves plenty slither glue plus slow Take one word from each column, put the three words into a sentence that makes sense. Be prepared to share.
br cr dr brain crab drastic branch cracker draw brave crazy dream bridge cricket dress bring cripple dribble brother crisp drink Brown crutch drop brush cry dry Take one word from each column, put the three words into a sentence that makes sense. Be prepared to share.
Fr gr pr frantic grade practice freezer graduate prevent Frequent grandpa pride fresh grass private friend great promise frighten grocery protect from ground prove frozen grow prune Take one word from each column, put the three words into a sentence that makes sense. Be prepared to share.
tr sc sk trade scab skate traffic scale skeleton travel school ski treat score skill tree scrap skin true scratch skinny trust scream skip Try scribble sky Take one word from each column, put the three words into a sentence that makes sense. Be prepared to share.
Sm sn sp small snack space Smart snail spank smash snake speak smear snap special smell sneak spend Smile snore spirit smog snow sport smooth snug spot Take one word from each column, put the three words into a sentence that makes sense. Be prepared to share.
st sw tw stage swallow twelve stand swan twenty star sweat twice step sweet twilight stone swim twin stop swing twinkle strong switch twist study swollen twitch Take one word from each column, put the three words into a sentence that makes sense. Be prepared to share.
digraphs A diagraph is a double consonant (two consonants together) or a vowel and consonant combination pronounced as a single sound
Consonant digraphs include bl, br, ch, ck, cl, cr, dr, fl, fr, gh, gl, gr, ng, ph, pl, pr, qu, sc, sh, sk, sl, sm, sn, sp, st, sw, th, tr, tw, wh, wr. include ch (as in church), ch (school), ng (king), ph (phone), sh (shoe), th (then), th (think), and wh (wheel)
Common vowel digraphs in English include ai (as in rain), ay (day), ea (teach), ea (bread), ea (break), ee (free), ei (eight), ey (key), ie (piece), oa (road), oo (book), oo (room), ow (slow), and ue (true).