Manheim Central high school Add the name of your department SCIENCE Department Course Scope & Sequence
Post Secondary Opportunities Consider a career in the field of Earth Science, Physical Science, Life Science, Engineering or Health Science. Careers in Science Click on this link or go to careers for career information. Give examples of careers and the pathway of courses that would be needed to pursue those.
Department Overview Scope & Sequence Level 9th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade Honors Suggested Course: Honors 9th Physical Science Elective Course: Honors Biology I Suggested Course: Honors Biology I Elective Courses: Honors Chemistry, Chemistry I, and Honors Biology II Suggested Course: Honors Chemistry Elective Courses: AP Biology, AP Chemistry, AP Environmental Science, AP Physics C: Mechanics, AgriEcology, Anatomy and Physiology, Climatology, Honors Biology II, Honors Chemistry II, Honors Physics, and Physics Suggested Course: Honors Physics AP Physics C: Mechanics, Honors Biology II, and Honors Chemistry II Level 1 Suggested Course: 9th Physical Science, Lvl 1 or Physical Science Elective Course: None Suggested Course: Biology I, Lvl 1 or Biology Elective Courses: Chemistry I and Honors Biology II Suggested Course: Chemistry I AP Biology, AP Environmental Science, AgriEcology, Anatomy and Physiology, Climatology, Honors Biology II, Honors Chemistry II, and Physics Suggested Course: Physics AP Chemistry Honors Biology II, and Honors Chemistry II Level 2 Suggested Course: 9th Physical Science, Lvl 2 or Physical Science Suggested Course: Biology I, Lvl 2 or Biology Suggested Course: AgriEcology, Anatomy and Physiology, and Climatology Elective Courses: Chemistry I Explanation of the department progressions of courses and possible elective options. **30 seconds per grade level**
9th Grade Course Offerings Level 9th Grade Honors Suggested Course: Honors 9th Physical Science Elective Course: Honors Biology I Level 1 Suggested Course: 9th Physical Science, Lvl 1 or Physical Science Elective Course: None Level 2 Suggested Course: 9th Physical Science, Lvl 2 or Physical Science Explanation of the department progressions of courses and possible elective options. **30 seconds per grade level**
10th Grade Course Offerings Level 10th Grade Honors Suggested Course: Honors Biology I Elective Courses: Honors Chemistry, Chemistry I, and Honors Biology II Level 1 Suggested Course: Biology I, Lvl 1 or Biology Elective Courses: Chemistry I and Honors Biology II Level 2 Suggested Course: Biology I, Lvl 2 or Biology Elective Course: None Explanation of the department progressions of courses and possible elective options. **30 seconds per grade level**
11th Grade Course Offerings * 11th Grade Course Offerings Level 11th Grade Honors Suggested Course: Honors Chemistry Elective Courses: AP Biology, AP Chemistry, AP Environmental Science, AP Physics C: Mechanics, AgriEcology, Anatomy and Physiology, Climatology, Honors Biology II, Honors Chemistry II, Honors Physics, and Physics Level 1 Suggested Course: Chemistry I AP Biology, AP Environmental Science, AgriEcology, Anatomy and Physiology, Climatology, Honors Biology II, Honors Chemistry II, and Physics Level 2 Suggested Course: AgriEcology, Anatomy and Physiology, and Climatology Elective Courses: Chemistry I Explanation of the department progressions of courses and possible elective options. **30 seconds per grade level**
12th Grade Course Offerings * 12th Grade Course Offerings Level 12th Grade Honors Suggested Course: Honors Physics Elective Courses: AP Biology, AP Chemistry, AP Environmental Science, AP Physics C: Mechanics, AgriEcology, Anatomy and Physiology, Climatology, Honors Biology II, and Honors Chemistry II Level 1 Suggested Course: Physics AP Biology, AP Chemistry AP Environmental Science, AgriEcology, Anatomy and Physiology, Climatology, Honors Biology II, and Honors Chemistry II Level 2 Suggested Course: AgriEcology, Anatomy and Physiology, and Climatology Elective Courses: Chemistry I Explanation of the department progressions of courses and possible elective options. **30 seconds per grade level**