University of Wisconsin at Madison Code Migration James Bellinger University of Wisconsin at Madison 3-Feb-2010 3-Feb-2010 1
cdfsoft2 6.1.6.migrate S. Rolli found a discrepancy between running on SL3/SL4 and SL5. It does not seem excessive—on the order of what is seen with maxopt—but experts are investigating 3-Feb-2010
Example of validation issue Looks like one entry shifted between bins 3-Feb-2010
cdfsoft2 6.1.4mc.migrate I’ve been going over the list of patches Lynn left Some require more expert inspection. Do we want to include these code mods as part of a new patch? BottomMods/BottomMods/ana/TAddStableLinks.hh -r 1.2 DataFileDB/test/dcache/ -r 1.2 DataFileDB/test/dcache/ -r 1.2 DataFileDB/test/tape/ -r 1.40 Stntuple/Stntuple/mod/InitStntupleDataBlocks.hh -r 3-Feb-2010
Non-Critical Upgrades Oracle instant_client on fcdfbld5 for testing D.Box suggested we rebuild with instant_client and test TrigSim++, ProductionExe with DB_DEBUG set to –1 Some scripts need review: reference Oracle directory Rootd and xrootd: 4.04/02 testing Edm, EdmModules, EdmObjects, EdmUtilities on SL3 Edm/MultiRootOutputFile.hh Added a comment: still failed to compile. Removed comment—compiles now ??????? 3-Feb-2010 5
Tentative (aka WAG) Timeline 3-Feb-2010
Various Request sent to physics group leaders asking what they need for validation. So far no suggestions 3-Feb-2010
Sub-projects Issue/Question Required for vertical test Remote tests Sub-projects Issue/Question Required for vertical test Remote tests release # Status Who Comments 10K Validate 6.1.6.migrate SL4/SL4 YES YES: 616 pending S.Rolli day 10K Validate 6.1.6.migrate SL4/SL5 10K Validate 6.1.6.migrate SL5/SL5 TrigSim+ProductionExe diff in progress Costas Is the difference in results real? 100K Validate 6.1.6.migrate SL5/SL5 ?40K is handy Review patches for use w/ 6.1.4mc.migrate YES: mc J.Bellinger time=? Use patches to create build of 6.1.4mc.migrate J.Bellinger/L.Garren Use Full Flavor for 32/64 bit SL5 NO Decided: all L.Garren SRT_CDF changes YES: all ? related to above? All distribution scripts superset of above sam package ? testing? cdfkits vs fnkits Lynn saw difference, sanity check required Check versions of java/perl/tcl R.Snider, LGarren java 1.6.0.x, perl 5.8.8, tcl 8.4; looks like a go " SLC5(lxplus5) vs SLF5; grid machines, CMS, Atlas Jnb note Fermi additions to SLF5 seem unimportant Document migrate changes Need email/web page documentation of new release instant_client Oracle ?D. Box? ?Interface same? Test root 4.00vs 4.04 R.Culbertson, J.Bellinger problems: may need packaging massaging dcap declared as current No but Releases from now on should do this cvsroot command fixed No Fixed in development dbfrontier in 6.1.6 code Yes: 616 ? R.Snider and S.Lammel? Snider to make sure this is understood