Phonics Words - 2/4 (Suffixes: -ly, -ful, -er, -or, -ish) Test Date - 2/8 cheerful visitor slowly weekly teacher helper hardly graceful yearly quickly fighter sailor Phonics Words - 2/11 (Suffixes: -ness, -less, -able, -ible) Test Date - 2/14 kindness careless goodness useless fearless darkness sadness sickness helpless thankless fitness weakness 2/4 - 2/8 - i-Ready Math Diagnostic 2/6 - SAC Meeting - 7:30am 2/6 - PTO Meeting - 8am 2/11-2/15 - Jump Rope for Heart Week 2/11 - Midterms go home 2/12 - Leader of the Month Assembly (invitation only) 2/14 - Miss Warren’s birthday 2/15 - No School (Hurricane Make-Up Day) 2/18 - No School (President’s Day) 2/20 - 2nd Grade PIE Night 2/22 - Box Tops are due & DEAL Day 2/27 - Papas, Pastries and Paperbacks Phonics Words - 2/19 (Compound Words) Test Date - 2/22 basketball someone weekend something birthday riverbank bathtub backyard driveway bedtime raindrop mailbox *Vocabulary words will be sent home on 2/6 and will be tested on 2/20 for this month. *Please continue to complete the math homework and read with your student each night. Practice sight words and math fact fluency as much as possible. Hello Families! This month is filled with important events and activities. We hope you join us at our PIE night on the 20th for pizza and partnership! We are continuing our reading strategies with author’s purpose and utilizing non-fiction text features.In math, we be learning about measurement and using rulers and other units to measure length, as we also continue to increase our fact fluency. We will also be completing a classroom science fair project this month as well, we know the students are excited! We are so grateful for our kind-hearted second graders and their families. . ♡ Second Grade Team