TABLE TALK Spend some time talking about what you believe is the “secret sauce” for the mission Jesus set in motion to continue from one generation to the next until He returns?
Keys: Be clear WHO your life is surrendered to (can’t have 2 Master’s)….and joining in with what He is doing in the world. Realize you/we have all we need in and with Him to do what He has for you/us to do where we are at any given moment. Keep the conversation ALIVE with Him in situations…..learn to hear His voice in you. Respond to the NUDGE (s)…. Trust that 2 are better than 1, this isn’t a SOLO responsibility. Commit to walk with some brothers in the Lord.
Announcements: Pickup Training Opportunity $10 if you have it (for the entire session) Winter Session
Memory Verse: Mt 4:19 “Come, follow me, Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people”. 2 Tim 2:2 “And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.”