Lead Officer: Special/ASN Dyslexia Scotland - 29 September 2012


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Presentation transcript:

Lead Officer: Special/ASN Dyslexia Scotland - 29 September 2012 Education Scotland Ken McAra HMI Lead Officer: Special/ASN Dyslexia Scotland - 29 September 2012 1 1

Education Scotland: a new agency Scottish Government’s national development and improvement agency for education charged with providing support and challenge to the education system, from the early years to adult learning came into existence on 1 July 2011 Bill Maxwell Chief Executive

Corporate Management Group

our strategic objectives are to: lead and support the successful implementation of the curriculum build the capacity of education providers and practitioners to improve their own performance promote high quality professional learning and leadership stimulate creativity and innovation provide independent feedback on the quality of educational provision provide evidence-based advice to inform national policy develop our people and improve our organisational capability

purposes of inspection? provide assurance to users on the quality of education promote improvement provide evidence to inform national policy development

quality improvement in education: “the Scottish approach” a three-way partnership: schools evaluate the quality of their own provision supported and challenged by the education authority backed up by rigorous external evaluation

How well do children/young people learn and achieve? How well does the school support children/young people to develop and learn? How does the school improve the quality of its work? QI 1.1 Improvements in performance QI 2.1 Learners’ experiences QI 5.3 Meeting learning need QI 5.1 Curriculum QI 5.9 Improvement through self-evaluation

8 8

Entitlements Children and Young People Support SLLW E1 E1 Senior Phase Coherent Curriculum Broad General Education Senior Phase SLLW Support Positive & sustained destinations E2 E6 E6 E2 E3 E3 E5 E5 Appendix 2 of the Advice note details the 6 entitlements. All national partners including Es together with the 32 EAs contributed to the CfE MB progress report of Dec 2011 with all providing evidence of progress in delivering the entitlements. Work is underway for the next annual report to MB due by the end of Oct. While much emphasis is given to the BGE entitlement, it is important that through inspection we explore how well all partners are developing approaches to delivering all 6 entitlements and how these are leading to improved outcomes for all learners. E4 9

CfE Implementation Priorities 2012-13 assessment broad general education senior phase

reflection and feedback? ken.mcara@educationscotland.gsi.gov.uk