Inside LB'ers Thought Process - prior to the snap 1. How many backs in the backfield? Do we need one back declaration ’s? Have we game planned calls based upon sets or motion ? must I make a (front or call) Does the front involve an opposite Declaration? Hide Make the correct declaration! 2. What is my technique? (alignment and pass rush / coverage assignment) RUSH assignment: Does the pressure stunt affect my technique or pass rush assignment? Does the pressure stunt require me to make a based upon the offensive set? COVERAGE assignment: What is the coverage call? What is the secondary support call ? Backer - Corner - Safety - Read Did the secondary make a coverage what is my pass coverage technique now?
Linebacker Reads I. ASSIGNMENTS: A. BoA: on frontside plays - B gap (outside shoulder of OG) on backside plays - Off A gap (inside shoulder of opposite OG) B. CAt: on frontside plays - C gap (outside shoulder of OT) on backside plays - A gap to you (inside shoulder of OG) C. As you press your gap assignment replace any defender who crosses your face. D. Counter call: from opposite linebacker informs you of a pull your way; frontside play, press LOS at a 45o degree angle, react to blocking scheme. III. INITIAL MOVEMENT: A. Take a 6" read step to the outside. B. This provides time in determining RUN or PASS along with identifying the play as FRONTSIDE or BACKSIDE. C. No false steps: it is essential to be concise in your path to the ball. III. KEYS: A. Focus through the head of the OG to the nearback, NB. The NB is defined as the 1st back behind QB, if no one is in that position then key the halfback position. B. The OG will indicate: 1. if the play is a RUN or a PASS 2. the direction of the play C. The path of the NB will reveal the actual play.
Gap Cancellation B T B B T B B T B
OG’S BLOCK NB’S PATH Pt of ATTACK 1. Reach Outside / Off-tackle Frontside 2. Drive Inside 3. Cutoff Away Backside 4. Down 5. Down 6. Down 7. Fan Irrelevant OT Frontside / Backside 8. Scoop Irrelevant 9. Pull outside 10. Pull outside 11. Pull outside Inside (WAGGLE) play action pass 12. Pull inside 13. Pull inside 14. Pull inside 15. Pass set off LOS pass 16. Pass set on LOS OT to NB screen / draw 17. Area block OT - NB Irrelevant Guard’s Block Path of NB pass set Off LOS pull outside pull inside Outside Off Tackle scoop scoop Away fan down Immediate threat Inside
ILB Reactions Guard’s Block T N LB Path of NB LB Immediate threat OG’S BLOCK NB’S PATH Pt of ATTACK 1. Reach Outside / Off-t Frontside 2. Drive Inside 3. Cutoff Away Backside 4. Down 5. Down 6. Down 7. Fan Irrelevant OT Frontside / Backside 8. Scoop Irrelevant 9. Pull outside 10. Pull outside 11. Pull outside Inside (WAGGLE) play action pass 12. Pull inside 13. Pull inside 14. Pull inside 15. Pass off LOS pass 16. Pass on LOS OT to NB screen / draw 17. Area block OT - NB Irrelevant T N Immediate threat LB Path of NB Outside Off Tackle Away Inside LB
ILB Reactions Guard’s Block T N LB Path of NB LB down Outside OG’S BLOCK NB’S PATH Pt of ATTACK 1. Reach Outside / Off-t Frontside 2. Drive Inside 3. Cutoff Away Backside 4. Down 5. Down 6. Down 7. Fan Irrelevant OT Frontside / Backside 8. Scoop Irrelevant 9. Pull outside 10. Pull outside 11. Pull outside Inside (WAGGLE) play action pass 12. Pull inside 13. Pull inside 14. Pull inside 15. Pass soff LOS pass 16. Pass on LOS OT to NB screen / draw 17. Area block OT - NB Irrelevant T N down LB Path of NB Outside Off Tackle Away Inside LB
ILB Reactions Guard’s Block T N LB Path of NB LB fan Outside OG’S BLOCK NB’S PATH Pt of ATTACK 1. Reach Outside / Off-t Frontside 2. Drive Inside 3. Cutoff Away Backside 4. Down 5. Down 6. Down 7. Fan Irrelevant OT Frontside / Backside 8. Scoop Irrelevant 9. Pull outside 10. Pull outside 11. Pull outside Inside (WAGGLE) play action pass 12. Pull inside 13. Pull inside 14. Pull inside 15. Pass off LOS pass 16. Pass on LOS OT to NB screen / draw 17. Area block OT - NB Irrelevant T N fan LB Path of NB Outside Off Tackle Away Inside LB
ILB Reactions Guard’s Block T N LB Path of NB LB scoop scoop Outside OG’S BLOCK NB’S PATH Pt of ATTACK 1. Reach Outside / Off-t Frontside 2. Drive Inside 3. Cutoff Away Backside 4. Down 5. Down 6. Down 7. Fan Irrelevant OT Frontside / Backside 8. Scoop Irrelevant 9. Pull outside 10. Pull outside 11. Pull outside Inside (WAGGLE) play action pass 12. Pull inside 13. Pull inside 14. Pull inside 15. Pass off LOS pass 16. Pass on LOS OT to NB screen / draw 17. Area block OT - NB Irrelevant T N scoop scoop LB Path of NB Outside Off Tackle Away Inside LB
ILB Reactions Guard’s Block T N LB Path of NB LB pull outside Outside OG’S BLOCK NB’S PATH Pt of ATTACK 1. Reach Outside / Off-t Frontside 2. Drive Inside 3. Cutoff Away Backside 4. Down 5. Down 6. Down 7. Fan Irrelevant OT Frontside / Backside 8. Scoop Irrelevant 9. Pull outside 10. Pull outside 11. Pull outside Inside (WAGGLE) play action pass 12. Pull inside 13. Pull inside 14. Pull inside 15. Pass off LOS pass 16. Pass on LOS OT to NB screen / draw 17. Area block OT - NB Irrelevant pull outside T N LB Path of NB Outside Off Tackle Away Inside LB
ILB Reactions Guard’s Block T N LB Path of NB LB pull inside Outside OG’S BLOCK NB’S PATH Pt of ATTACK 1. Reach Outside / Off-t Frontside 2. Drive Inside 3. Cutoff Away Backside 4. Down 5. Down 6. Down 7. Fan Irrelevant OT Frontside / Backside 8. Scoop Irrelevant 9. Pull outside 10. Pull outside 11. Pull outside Inside (WAGGLE) play action pass 12. Pull inside 13. Pull inside 14. Pull inside 15. Pass off LOS pass 16. Pass on LOS OT to NB screen / draw 17. Area block OT - NB Irrelevant T N LB Path of NB Outside Off Tackle Away Inside LB
ILB Reactions Guard’s Block T N LB Path of NB LB pass set Off LOS OG’S BLOCK NB’S PATH Pt of ATTACK 1. Reach Outside / Off-t Frontside 2. Drive Inside 3. Cutoff Away Backside 4. Down 5. Down 6. Down 7. Fan Irrelevant OT Frontside / Backside 8. Scoop Irrelevant 9. Pull outside 10. Pull outside 11. Pull outside Inside (WAGGLE) play action pass 12. Pull inside 13. Pull inside 14. Pull inside 15. Pass off LOS pass 16. Pass on LOS OT to NB screen / draw 17. Area block OT - NB Irrelevant T N LB Path of NB Outside Off Tackle Away Inside LB
Shotgun Reads SHOTGUN technique: BoA Linebackers I. KEY: QB to the offensive line II. RESPONSIBILITIES: A. QB extends ball to your side: 1. OT releases inside: continue to the outside - you have QB on read play and the DT will squeeze inside on the zone away 2. OT does NOT release inside: play block of OG – inside support on play away. B. QB extends ball away from you: OG Play block of your OG frontside or backside. III. Cat ILB’ers – Normal OG to Nearback reads
OLB Reactions A. Immediate threat (block from 1st key): 1. Drive block 2. Reach block 3. Cutoff block 4. Pass set B. Delayed threat (not blocked by 1st key): 1. Down block by immediate threat: a. 2nd key: NB kickout b. 2nd key: Outside Veer c. 2nd key: NB load d. 2nd key: NB Flat: lead option or OT log 2. Inside release by immediate threat: 2nd key: NB pass sets or releases 3. Arc release by immediate threat: a. 2nd key: NB pass set or pattern release b. 2nd key: NB kickout c. 2nd key: NB dive - dive option 4. Slam release by immediate threat: a. kickout from 2nd or 3rd key b. log from 2nd or 3rd key 5. DOWN or ARC by immediate threat: with NB AWAY a. 3rd key: kickout b. 3rd key: log C. Waggle 1. toward OLB 2. away from OLB OLB Reactions
Inside Linebacker Pass Reads
Common Pass Pattern - 2 back set - LB’er Review Sheet #3 Flat #2 Flat #1 Post #2 Hook #1 Curl LOS 5 yds 10 yds 15 yds B B B B Common Pass Pattern - 2 back set - LB’er Review Sheet #2 Away #3 Block #1 Post #2 Across #1 In LOS 5 yds 10 yds 15 yds B B B B
Common Pass Pattern - 2 back set - LB’er Review Sheet #3 Flat #2 Away #1 Post #2 In #1 Corner LOS 5 yds 10 yds 15 yds B Common Pass Pattern - 2 back set - LB’er Review Sheet #2 Away #3 Flat #1 Out #2 Out #1 Across LOS 5 yds 10 yds 15 yds B
Common Pass Pattern - 2 back set - LB’er Review Sheet #3 Flare #2 Up #2 In #1 Under #1 Vertical LOS 5 yds 10 yds 15 yds B B B B Common Pass Pattern - Trips set - LB’er Review Sheet #2 Block #1 Post #2 Across #3 Across #1 Corner / Out LOS 5 yds 10 yds 15 yds B B B B
Common Pass Pattern - Trips set - LB’er Review Sheet #2 Away #2 Out #3 Flat #1 Across #1 Streak LOS 5 yds 10 yds 15 yds B B B B Common Pass Pattern - Trips set - LB’er Review Sheet #2 Away #2 Across #3 Out #1 Middle Hook #1 Post LOS 5 yds 10 yds 15 yds B B B B
Common Pass Pattern - Trips set - LB’er Review Sheet #2 Away #1 Streak #2 Flat #3 Seam #1 Post LOS 5 yds 10 yds 15 yds B Common Pass Pattern - Deuce set - LB’er Review Sheet #3 Vertical #2 Flag #1 Curl #1 Hitch #2 Up LOS 5 yds 10 yds 15 yds B B B B