NTP Quality Assurance and Improvement Framework – Arrangements for 2019-20 February 2019
Learning objectives for today 1. Understand the SDS quality assurance and improvement Framework and processes for 19-20 2. Recognise what good may look like in relation to the revised framework 3. Understand the requirements for submission of your self assessment and quality action plan Key Documents: NTP Quality Assurance and Improvement framework NTP Quality Assurance and Improvement Framework Self- Assessment Guidance
SDS Work-based learning Quality and Improvement Framework:19-20 Service Delivery Leadership and Quality Culture Outcomes and Impact 1.1 Providers develop and prepare work based learning provision 3.1 Providers achieve and maintain high levels of service delivery and outcomes for all WBL provision 2.1 The provider's work based learning strategy is based on the needs and expectations of stakeholders, employers and learners 3.2 Work based learning provision meets the needs of employers 1.2 Providers plan resources for effective delivery of work based learning provision 2.2 Leaders ensure appropriate resources are in place to deliver the work based learning strategy 1.3 Providers deliver and manage work based learning provision and ensure quality of delivery (including sub contracted provision) 2.3 Leaders ensure staff are appropriately skilled and motivated to deliver work based learning provision 3.3 Work based learning provision meets the needs of learners The NTP Quality team is working to update its quality framework for roll out to NTP providers from April 2018. We have updated the draft QIs, as shown above, to align more closely with Education Scotland’s MA review framework and to the draft GA Quality framework that is also under development. The duck egg colour text boxes are the draft Quality Indicators (QIs). The QIs are based upon earlier drafts of Brian’s Quality framework for GA’s, and follow discussions on our respective approaches. We have streamlined the overall number of QIs, by ensuring that the most important quality themes are covered. We have tweaked some of the wording of the GA QIs to make requirements more explicit, for example under outcomes and impact the requirement for organisations to meet statutory, equality and funding body requirements is more explicit than “organisations adhere to statutory principles and guidance”. The blush pink text boxes under Service Delivery and Leadership and Quality Culture are to indicate the high level themes that sit underneath the Qis. 2.4 Leaders take ownership for the continuous improvement of quality and performance of work based learning provision 3.4 Providers meet all statutory, equality and funding body requirements 1.4 Providers manage partners and stakeholders to deliver outcomes for learners and employers
NTP Quality Assurance and Improvement Framework- 19-20 25 Themes and Self Assessment questions 12 Quality Indicators Outcomes and Impact Service Delivery Leadership and Quality Culture Sitting beneath the QS’s and QIs are SA questions and themes The SA Questions are designed to prompt a critical review of what you do, what works, want needs to improve. The themes ensure that all the key SDS contract requirements (inc ROPC Part B MA) are incorporated.
Revised framework: Service delivery Quality Indicator Theme 1.1 Providers develop and prepare work based learning provision Initial Assessment Induction Learning and Assessment Planning Equality groups Transferable skills (core skills, employability skills, career management skills) Employer involvement 1.2 Providers plan resources for effective delivery of work based learning provision Resources (delivery environment, learning materials and technology) 1.3 Providers deliver and manage work based learning provision and ensure quality of delivery (including sub contracted provision) Learner goal setting and progress Reflective practice leading to improvement and enhancement of services Quality Assurance of delivery 1.4 Providers manager partners and stakeholders to deliver outcomes for learners and employers Effectiveness of partnerships to support transitions and/or progression Management of sub-contractors
Revised framework: Leadership and Quality Culture Quality Indicator Theme 2.1 The provider's work based learning strategy is based on the needs and expectations of stakeholders, employers and learners Developing the Young Workforce recommendations Use of Labour Market Intelligence to inform service delivery Strategic Engagement 2.2 Leaders ensure appropriate resources are in place to deliver the work based learning strategy Staff 2.3 Leaders ensure staff are appropriately skilled and motivated to deliver work based learning provision Management and support of staff Staff Development 2.4 Leaders take ownership for the continuous improvement of quality and performance of work based learning provision Effective self assessment and continuous improvement Innovation and Change
Revised framework: Outcomes and Impact 3. Outcomes and Impact (Your results) Quality Indicator Theme 3.1 Providers achieve and maintain high levels of service delivery and outcomes for all WBL provision Achievement and analysis of SDS Key Performance Indicators 3.2 Work based learning provision meets the needs of employers Employer satisfaction 3.3 Work based learning meets the needs of learners Learner satisfaction 3.4 Providers meet all statutory, equality and funding body requirements SDS Equality requirements Awarding Body and Industry Body requirements
Self Assessment Guidance: changes and Improvements Responded to Provider and staff feedback: Less jargon- aimed to write in plain English Separated out guidance prompts for MA and EF Prompts included small provider where we could Included what a good provider might look like and also included what an excellent provider might ALSO do Remains a non prescriptive document- providers may have other valid evidence sources
Exercise 1: navigating the use of the quality assurance framework and evaluating quality themes
Self assessment and Quality Action Plan submission process Context and important points about the Self assessment process What the review of submissions will involve Timescales Escalation and sanction process
Tips for writing your self assessment Read the guidance under each theme Be concise (see exemplar) Use the first column to describe what you do (service delivery/leadership) Identify in the 2nd and third column anything that is good/not so good- don’t describe again Make sure you have at least one area for improvement in relation to the equality themes Transfer your Areas for improvement into SMART actions in your Quality Action plan.
Benefits of Self Assessment and the formal Quality review visit Click for Provider Video
Example - Service Delivery Theme What do we do? Equality Groups How well have we designed and prepared our provision specifically to meet the needs of different equality groups? Our processes for designing and planning delivery in all of our programmes are as set out within the other themes for this QI. We have identified that for all of our programmes we tailor and individualise the planned learning for everyone.
Example – Service Delivery Theme What is working well and why? Equality Groups As set out in the rest of this QI, we are very good at identifying where adjustments are required for different individuals, particularly those who require delivery and assessment adaptation through our diagnostic approach and 121 sessions.
Example – Service Delivery Theme What doesn’t work well and why? Equality Groups We are less good at putting in place support for more complex ASN, cultural adaptions and adaptations for individuals who have mental health problems and/or require more intense mentoring than the average learner. This is because we are unsure what is always required and we could use some more expert support to help us put appropriate things in place.
Example – Service Delivery Theme RAG Area for improvement Equality Groups Support offered to learners with more complex needs, cultural needs and/or mentoring support.
Example – Service Delivery Theme Quality Action Plan Equality Groups Contact SDS Equalities Executive to arrange support meeting. Identify & engage partner organisations to support key target groups and proactively contact for advice and possible attendance at staff meeting. Research available free CPD materials online and plan an information/training session for staff each quarter. Evaluate the impact of measures undertaken to support wider ASN groups e.g. reviewing achievement rates of individuals with complex support needs.
Exercise 2 – completing your self assessment
Other available support Your named Quality Assessor (to be allocated): Karen McNutt Emma-Jade Higginson Tracey Storer Val Murray Nancy Burns Alastair MacMorris Online self-assessment module- will be available March 2019 Pilot development of online digital template with provider/SDS interfaces- aiming for roll out 2020-2021
Formal Quality Review Visit plan 2019-20
Plan for 2019/20 50 providers will be visited – already agreed with NTP operations which Providers Earlier notification of selection – by end February and subject to contract award process Some of our processes will be adapted to take account of new framework, but largely unchanged Reports will be published on SDS Corporate website
Click for Provider Video Post Visit Provider Feedback Click for Provider Video
SIA Monitoring of Quality Your allocated SIA will undertake ongoing monitoring of your delivery of SDS provision in relation to the quality framework. They will supply ALL contracted providers with at least 1 summary report per year which they RAG rate against each quality indicator(not RADAR methodology) They also support you in relation to your QAP progression and may suggest actions to be added to your QAP
Education Scotland review of Quality- thematic reviews External Quality review HMIE Inspectorate- framework very similar to SDS Thematic reports published- this year: Hospitality report to be published Children and Young people review Financial services review Electrical Installation review
Sharing Effective practice SDS will: Develop web resources and share Host a number of effective practice sessions by sector/potentially theme throughout this coming year Evaluate at a high level what is working well and less well across our provider network and share results
Q&A on process
With Thanks to Esteem Ltd – Trudy McKenzie and Ian Grigg Plenary With Thanks to Esteem Ltd – Trudy McKenzie and Ian Grigg