FreedomIQ Hosted PBX Partner Presentation - Several Master Slide layouts are provided for your presentation. Intro Slide: Use this slide as the starting point of your presentation. Your company’s logo should be inserted here on the corresponding Master Slide (see instructions below). Section Slide: Use this slide as an introductory slide to a new section of your presentation or as a “Thank You!” slide to conclude your presentation. If desired, insert your logo in the designated area at the lower left of the slide on the corresponding Master Slide (see instructions below). Content Slide: Use this slide for the main content of your presentation. Four levels of formatted bulleted text are supported in the main text box area. Other media can also be used on this page such as images, charts, graphs, and movies. If desired, insert your logo in the designated area at the lower left of the slide on the corresponding Master Slide (see instructions below). Blank Slide: Use this slide for full screen images or other specialty purposes. Customize the Presentation With Your Logo: Format Logo: Start with an appropriately formatted version of your logo (preferably a vector EPS file or high resolution JPG or PNG). Your logo should have a transparent or white background. Insert Logo on Master Slide: Master slides allow your logo to appear automatically on each corresponding slide layout, instead of inserting it manually on each slide. View the corresponding Master Slide, View>Slide Master. Then, using the Insert>Picture… command, select your logo and click the appropriate insertion point on the slide. Scale/Position Logo on Master Slide: Scale and position your logo as necessary (this will vary depending on your logo specifications). For the Intro slide, we recommend a large scale logo positioned in the blank area above the horizontal line and left-justified with the FreedomIQ logo. For the Section and Content slides, we recommend a small scale logo positioned in the lower left corner of the page so as not to interfere with the other text on the page. Add Formatted Slides: After inserting your logo, existing slides should automatically be formatted when viewing slides in Normal view, View>Normal. To insert new formatted slides, select the appropriate layout for your content from the Slides Layout menu bar, Home>New Slide More Info: Please consult PowerPoint Help documentation for additional assistance.
Why Choose Hosted? Cost savings Low upfront costs No need for human capital Instant scalability Business continuity Advanced features Trend of virtualization
Why Choose FreedomIQ? FreedomVoice in business since 1996 Profitable, stable provider Owns their technology US-based 24/7 technical support National footprint, local partner presence
WebLink Internet Control Panel Online, Anytime, At Your Convenience Check messages Customize settings Call delivery Message delivery Upload / create recordings Run call reports And more: Log In to WebLink
Reports - Business Dashboard Calls - How many people called during a certain time or date range, including information specific to each call. Mailbox Report - Calls by mailbox (e.g. extension) for the specified dates or times, as well as the phone number and duration of calls. Missed Calls - Which extensions missed calls, how many were missed, when the calls were missed, and the phone numbers of these callers.
Reports - Business Dashboard Status - Who is logged in, who is talking, and can listen in on calls. Employee Scheduler - Easily creates the optimal schedule for current needs. DID - Shows calls that came in to or were made from specific DIDs.
Reports - Business Dashboard Review Calls - Listen to recorded inbound and outbound calls for extensions where this feature is enabled. General Statistics - Provides the total attempted call forwards, abandoned calls, average hold time and average talk time. Saved Reports - There are several filters to choose from when creating reports. If a report will be checked regularly, it can be saved for future use.
Sample Call Reports
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