The Politics of the Renaissance Machiavelli and The Prince @ 1513 The Politics of the Renaissance Does Mach still Matter
Mr Smith Goes to Washington (1939)
Pazzi Conspiracy
Pazzi Conspiracy
10 Laws of power
Mach Questions Who is the book written for—Why? (Para1) What should a ruler do to prepare for ruling? (para 2) Why does Mach. write he may be held “presumptuous”? (para 3) What are some of the basic characteristics of effective ruling and what about man’s nature justifies the use of these tools? (para 4 and 5) Why fear better than love? Why is image a vital part of ruling? (para 6 and 7) Is god a part of our lives? A part of governing? (Para 8)
Questions: It is not a guidebook for politics in general—rather it is specific to Medici and Florence (which was a violent and brutal political city state) thus it is a specific work. Should focus on the great leaders of the past—which past—the classic age. Why not the MA??! Also good leaders of the present As such Machiavelli is a humanist.(focus on the present but also look at the greats of the past)
“As I know that many have written on this subject I feel that I may be held presumptuous in what I have to say, if in my comments I do not follow the lines laid down by others.” Because those before have written as ruling should be (in a “good” world) Yet Machiavelli is different as his work is reality based Goodness is not the key to ruling Must learn not to be good —why?
“For on men in general this observation may be made: they are ungrateful, fickle, and deceitful, eager to avoid dangers, and avid for gain, Fear is good—Why? The character of man is debased and can only be ruled by fear If the ruler does not use deceit, fear, etc, his subjects will… Fear keeps people in line—they fear consequences
Must evaluate each situation and decide how to act “Hence a wise leader cannot and should not keep his word when keeping it is not to his advantage or when the reasons that made him give it are no longer valid.” 5. Must present the image of a ruler the people want—must look pious, but act out real-politic Must evaluate each situation and decide how to act Keep people on their toes by doing the unexpected—the opposite
What is the point? What is important? It must be understood that a prince and particularly a new prince cannot practice all the virtues for which men are accounted good, for the necessity of preserving the state often compels him to take actions which are opposed to loyalty, charity, humanity, and religion What is the point? What is important? Also THE STATE “Nothing is more necessary than to seem to possess this last quality, for men in general judge more by the eye than the hand; as all can see but few can feel.” People are stupid—easily led. Really important—good propaganda caters to the lowest intelligence level. (1984??)
“Nevertheless I believe, if we are to keep our free will, that it may be true that fortune controls half of our actions indeed but allows us the direction of the other half, or almost half.” 6. God may control ones destiny, but free will still dictates that a government is for the active, intuitive, and, at times, deceitful man As such, religion has no role in government affairs. Government must be secular? Machiavelli, is not telling the truth in this para, he is being Machiavellian.