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President Mandatory events Forms Next meeting Relay for Life- April Top 100 Dinner- May fundraising Forms Next meeting
Vice President Tutoring is mandatory at least once every two weeks After school tutoring- Tuesdays and Wednesdays Lunchtime tutoring is- Thursdays and Fridays .5 hours/session if you tutor, and .25 hours/session if you do not tutor
Treasurer Dues T-shirts Financial issues Juniors: $40 Seniors: $55 Please bring in money by Monday T-shirts $10 each The sooner the money gets in the sooner we get shirts! Financial issues Please talk to us!
Secretary Please remember to consistently check the board for events If you can no longer attend an event you’ve signed up for, you need to get approval from an officer and a substitute SAT Set-up Concessions Lely Invite Football Parking
Parliamentarians Semester Hour Requirements: 20 Hours Sign up for events on board in pen Check hours at Click on hours and look for your student number Hours are updated every Monday If there are any mistakes please tell us!
Discipline Hours System Strikes: 0-12 hours : Automatic dismissal 13-15 hours : Probation 16-17 hours : Two strikes 18-19 hours : One strike Strikes: One Strike - talk w/ us Second Strike - talk w/ Butun & call home Third Strike - Probation One more mess up = OUT